6th Month

Megan's been sitting up on her own, and staying sitting for extended periods of time, every once in a while she'll still roll backwards but it rarer now. Megan also seems to prefer to work on scaling and standing supported rather than crawling. She can crawl, but will often choose to sit down and then find something to climb up on.
She celebrated her first Thanksgiving. Although since she hadn't started solid foods yet, there is some debate as to whether or not Thanksgiving was actually celebrated by her.
At her 6 month well baby visit, Megan weighed 15 lb 5 oz, 25.25" in length, and head circumference of 16.5".
Megan is very interested and entertained by Hunter, Basil and Joules. They're more tolerant of her, and let her pet them for short periods of time before relocating.
Megan's been going to "Book Babies" once or twice a week for a few months now. It's a program at our local library, where they sing and entertain the babies and parents for about half an hour. Megan gets to socialize with infants of all ages.
The library also had a "Santa Photo" event the second week of December, and we took photos of Megan with the stranger in the strange outfit.
Megan spends a lot of her day (when she's not sleeping) in the game room, which is filling up with her toys. We like the Stack and Roll Cups from Fisher-Price, and we've build up a large collection of Peek-a-Blocks and Roll-a-Rounds, also from Fisher-Price. The large majority acquired through e-bay.
One thing nice about the weather in Texas is how mild it is this late in the year. We've spent a couple weekends working in the garden, and Megan enjoys watching us from her swing, which we put on the patio.
We've started feeding her single grains. The first was rice for a week, and then oatmeal. She likes her cereals, and will actually drink it from the bowl directly rather than be spoon-fed, although she's a champ at holding the spoon too. Just this week we pureed carrots for her, and she doesn't seem to like the taste of them, but loved playing with them. We've also purchased a high-chair to feed her on, since she's started escaping from the Bumbo seat.

5th Month

We started this month with her 5th Month portraits and the launch of STS-120, We had dinner with two of Winston's co-worker who were on travel from Huntington Beach, and the weather was really nice so we spent more time outdoors this week. Rahila, our friend from graduate school was also in town and we went to dinner in Kemah. Our Pear tree is in bloom, and we had guests over for a halloween pumpkin carving. Winston carved a Megan-o-Lantern, which turned out really well.
Megan was supposed to be a cow for Halloween, but thinking back on it, we're not sure if the costume we got was a cow or a dalmation, so in the grand tradition of Clarus, it can be said that Megan was a dogcow this year. (and remember DogCows go "Moof")
The weather during the 2nd week of November was kind of crazy, from 80's in the day to upper 40's at night. Megan got very congested and her tear ducts were infected. A pediatrician visit on the November 9, 2007 had her at 14 lb 8 oz, and 25" in length and 16.5" head circumfernce. She's now taking eye drops, and antibiotics to ward off a fledging ear infection. In the development side Megan's been holding her whole abdomen off the ground, and can sit for longer periods of time before falling over.
By the Third week, her eye had cleared up, and she's just as cheery as ever, growing ever more curious, and able to sit for longer periods of time and rarely falls over. She's also now able to support herself in the crawling pose on all fours and rocking back and forth. She can move short distances when she energetic and motivated by her curiousity.


4th Month

Starting near the end of the third month (Sept 17), Megan would occasionally roll over from her stomach to her back and in the first week of her 4th month Megan would also roll from her back to her stomach, but at first she'd only roll over when we weren't watching. It wasn't until the second week of the 4th month that we finally saw her roll over, both from her stomach to her back, and vice versa. And it was a week later still that we finally caught it with the camera.
Since about the middle of the month (Oct 11) She's started trying to sit, but can't quite hold the balance and will tip over backwards or to the side shortly after starting. Still it's quite exciting to see her mind and arms furiously try to make the right adjustments, and succeeding for the briefest of moments. Also, when Megan's on her stomach, she's started lifting her upper chest to look around and try to reach to grab her toys.
Megan's playing more with her toys, she likes her dalmation stuffed animal that we put in the crib in the morning, she likes her lamaze Cube, and Munchkin Blizzard Husky teething toy. She'll play with the Swirlin' Surprise Roll-A-Round Gum ball machine. And basically drool and chew on anything she can get her hands on. Also she's started to trigger her electronic mobile when she wakes up, giving us a classical music alarm clock in the morning. (or sometimes in the middle of the night)
Julie and Megan have also been going once a week to the local public library for Book babies where they sing and read to the infant. Megan's facinated by the other older babies who can crawl.
Two weeks ago we went to Pedro's birthday celebration where Martha made homemade Tamalés which were really good.
Lately, Megan's started to take a interest in Basil, Joules and Hunter. They haven't decided that this is a good thing, fortunately the animals still move faster than her.
This past weekend we went on some trails at the Armand Bayou Nature Center, it was a good workout, and an exercise in avoiding mosquitos. Fortunately we emerged without any bites despite the swarms we seemed to traipse through.


16th-18th Week Home

In the three weeks we've been home from the Great Megan Tour, Megan became 4 months old and visited her Pediatrician, she weighed 13 lbs, 13 oz (75th percentile), and is 23.5" long (25th percentile) head circumference of 16.25". She also finally met Bernadette, and her second cousin once removed Robert. She's started being able to support herself in a hunched over position (reminds us of a gorilla leaning out of a sit position before strolling around on all fours). She's also started grabbing her feet. We noticed what we thought was a tooth coming in, but turned out to be an epithelial pearl, apparently harmless and will go away on its own. Megan will also now routinely laugh and squeal in delight, and talk her baby talk much to our amusement.


The Great Megan Tour (Weeks 14 & 15)

Here are the pictures of Megan from the great Megan Tour (August 24 though September 8th)

13th Week Home

Megan celebrated her 3 month-old day this week, and we took some more pictures. We've got a sequence of her climbing over her Bobby Pillow, and our Family portrait.


11th and 12th Week Home

During Week 11, Second cousin once removed Amy and Michelle came to visit with er-shu-gong (Great uncle Frank), Neighbor Levi, also came over and read a book to Megan. We went to Ryan's for dinner, and the rest of the week was rather boring although, there was a shuttle launch that Dad had to work on Wednesday evening. And there was a trip to the ophthalmologist for Mom and Dad Wednesday morning.
During Week 12, Megan is now more often than not sleeping 5 hours a night, (although not necessarily the preferred 5 hours. (7pm to Midnight, does nothing to help mom and dad's sleep schedule) She's also getting pretty good at holding up her head and can make perceptible movement on her own when placed on her stomach. She tends to howl and cry while putting forth a tremendous effort, and we're very proud of her, but it can be disconcerting to watch, always second guessing as to whether or not she's upset or just exerting. We estimate that she's 12 lbs or so now and about 24" in length.


Special Projects

News on the three-and-a-half special projects

9th & 10th Week Home

During Week 9, Megan celebrated her 2nd month-day, and which basically means we took some more pictures and took her to her well-baby pediatrician visit where she got her immunization shots. She wighed 11.1 lbs and was 23" in length with a head cirumference of 14" on July 25th. Also she's started to sleep longer hours at night , a peak of 6 hours with the average around 5. The six hours was due to stress caused by shots and the tylenol given. But, Mommy was grateful nonetheless for the rest. We also had our first trip to the vet. Hunter needed his annual checkup. Aylin and her family came for a visit Friday night, and there were some fun compare and contrasting of 2 months vs 6 months.
Week 10, Megan is now able to rotate herself 90 degrees clockwise when placed on her stomach, and is able to do an "assisted crawl" which is where if there is a surface to push off of (i.e. a wall or Mom or Dad) she can make forward progress. We made our first trip to the Mall and picked up a couple new toys, a Winnie-the pooh mirror, a TinyLove Musical Mobile and a Ty stuffed dog.


7th & 8th Week Home

Week 7 and 8 Megan's been growing, she's 10 or pounds and about 21 inches or so. We're due for her 2 month appointment next week, so we'll get the official measurements. Meanwhile Megan's has started to wake up in a happy and alert mode in the mornings, and spends alot of time intently gazing at her surrounding. She's also better at sitting in the bouncer and swing chair.


5th & 6th Week Home

During Week 5, we recieved a visit from Winston's co-worker, Samantha. We took our first bath, and we took our first family trip to Babies 'R us and Target. We also went out to lunch togther for the first time to Oriental Gourmet (Chinese Buffet Establishment) for a farewell luncheon for another one of Winston's co-workers. And after weeks of buying diapers twice a week, in a fit of overcompensating we now have 600 Size 1-2 diapers, (which might be too many...)
During week six, we had a visit to Julie's Doctor, and we observed the 4th of July festivities by visiting Winston's co-worker and neighboor Pedro, whose wife Marta gave birth to Aylin back in February of this year. This was the first time that Megan's visited someone else's house, other than that we took a second bath, and several walks in the evening.


4th Week Home

Megan is now 1 month old! our best approximation puts her at 9 lbs and 20" so she's noticably growing now. We celebrated her first Father's day with a visit from Elaine, her First Cousin, once removed and her father L.P. (Da Gou Gong, or Great Uncle).


3rd Week Home

On June 11th 2007 Megan weighed 8lb 4 oz. and was 19" long. She's been congested of the week, but otherwise doing well. We're pretty sure we saw her first smile this week.

2nd Week Home

Photos from the second week home. Megan's umbilical cord fell off on Friday, and the next pediatrician's appointment is next Monday.

1st Week Home

On May 29th, Megan Sheng-Nian Wang weighed 7 lbs even, and measured 19.5" long/tall. Here are some pictures from her first week home.



Announcing the birth of Megan Sheng-Nian Wang, 2:57 am CDT, May 23rd, 2007. 6 lb 11.9 oz., 19" at Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital in Houston, TX.


Ultrasound Images from October 9th 2006, January 15th 2007, and February 5th, 2007.
