6th Month

Megan's been sitting up on her own, and staying sitting for extended periods of time, every once in a while she'll still roll backwards but it rarer now. Megan also seems to prefer to work on scaling and standing supported rather than crawling. She can crawl, but will often choose to sit down and then find something to climb up on.
She celebrated her first Thanksgiving. Although since she hadn't started solid foods yet, there is some debate as to whether or not Thanksgiving was actually celebrated by her.
At her 6 month well baby visit, Megan weighed 15 lb 5 oz, 25.25" in length, and head circumference of 16.5".
Megan is very interested and entertained by Hunter, Basil and Joules. They're more tolerant of her, and let her pet them for short periods of time before relocating.
Megan's been going to "Book Babies" once or twice a week for a few months now. It's a program at our local library, where they sing and entertain the babies and parents for about half an hour. Megan gets to socialize with infants of all ages.
The library also had a "Santa Photo" event the second week of December, and we took photos of Megan with the stranger in the strange outfit.
Megan spends a lot of her day (when she's not sleeping) in the game room, which is filling up with her toys. We like the Stack and Roll Cups from Fisher-Price, and we've build up a large collection of Peek-a-Blocks and Roll-a-Rounds, also from Fisher-Price. The large majority acquired through e-bay.
One thing nice about the weather in Texas is how mild it is this late in the year. We've spent a couple weekends working in the garden, and Megan enjoys watching us from her swing, which we put on the patio.
We've started feeding her single grains. The first was rice for a week, and then oatmeal. She likes her cereals, and will actually drink it from the bowl directly rather than be spoon-fed, although she's a champ at holding the spoon too. Just this week we pureed carrots for her, and she doesn't seem to like the taste of them, but loved playing with them. We've also purchased a high-chair to feed her on, since she's started escaping from the Bumbo seat.
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