4th Month

Starting near the end of the third month (Sept 17), Megan would occasionally roll over from her stomach to her back and in the first week of her 4th month Megan would also roll from her back to her stomach, but at first she'd only roll over when we weren't watching. It wasn't until the second week of the 4th month that we finally saw her roll over, both from her stomach to her back, and vice versa. And it was a week later still that we finally caught it with the camera.
Since about the middle of the month (Oct 11) She's started trying to sit, but can't quite hold the balance and will tip over backwards or to the side shortly after starting. Still it's quite exciting to see her mind and arms furiously try to make the right adjustments, and succeeding for the briefest of moments. Also, when Megan's on her stomach, she's started lifting her upper chest to look around and try to reach to grab her toys.
Megan's playing more with her toys, she likes her dalmation stuffed animal that we put in the crib in the morning, she likes her lamaze Cube, and Munchkin Blizzard Husky teething toy. She'll play with the Swirlin' Surprise Roll-A-Round Gum ball machine. And basically drool and chew on anything she can get her hands on. Also she's started to trigger her electronic mobile when she wakes up, giving us a classical music alarm clock in the morning. (or sometimes in the middle of the night)
Julie and Megan have also been going once a week to the local public library for Book babies where they sing and read to the infant. Megan's facinated by the other older babies who can crawl.
Two weeks ago we went to Pedro's birthday celebration where Martha made homemade Tamalés which were really good.
Lately, Megan's started to take a interest in Basil, Joules and Hunter. They haven't decided that this is a good thing, fortunately the animals still move faster than her.
This past weekend we went on some trails at the Armand Bayou Nature Center, it was a good workout, and an exercise in avoiding mosquitos. Fortunately we emerged without any bites despite the swarms we seemed to traipse through.

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