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16th-18th Week Home
Oct/01/2007 10:57 AM
In the three weeks we've been home from the Great Megan Tour, Megan became 4 months old and visited her Pediatrician, she weighed 13 lbs, 13 oz (75th percentile), and is 23.5" long (25th percentile) head circumference of 16.25". She also finally met Bernadette, and her second cousin once removed Robert. She's started being able to support herself in a hunched over position (reminds us of a gorilla leaning out of a sit position before strolling around on all fours). She's also started grabbing her feet. We noticed what we thought was a tooth coming in, but turned out to be an epithelial pearl, apparently harmless and will go away on its own. Megan will also now routinely laugh and squeal in delight, and talk her baby talk much to our amusement.
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