5th Month

We started this month with her 5th Month portraits and the launch of STS-120, We had dinner with two of Winston's co-worker who were on travel from Huntington Beach, and the weather was really nice so we spent more time outdoors this week. Rahila, our friend from graduate school was also in town and we went to dinner in Kemah. Our Pear tree is in bloom, and we had guests over for a halloween pumpkin carving. Winston carved a Megan-o-Lantern, which turned out really well.
Megan was supposed to be a cow for Halloween, but thinking back on it, we're not sure if the costume we got was a cow or a dalmation, so in the grand tradition of Clarus, it can be said that Megan was a dogcow this year. (and remember DogCows go "Moof")
The weather during the 2nd week of November was kind of crazy, from 80's in the day to upper 40's at night. Megan got very congested and her tear ducts were infected. A pediatrician visit on the November 9, 2007 had her at 14 lb 8 oz, and 25" in length and 16.5" head circumfernce. She's now taking eye drops, and antibiotics to ward off a fledging ear infection. In the development side Megan's been holding her whole abdomen off the ground, and can sit for longer periods of time before falling over.
By the Third week, her eye had cleared up, and she's just as cheery as ever, growing ever more curious, and able to sit for longer periods of time and rarely falls over. She's also now able to support herself in the crawling pose on all fours and rocking back and forth. She can move short distances when she energetic and motivated by her curiousity.

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