9th & 10th Week Home

During Week 9, Megan celebrated her 2nd month-day, and which basically means we took some more pictures and took her to her well-baby pediatrician visit where she got her immunization shots. She wighed 11.1 lbs and was 23" in length with a head cirumference of 14" on July 25th. Also she's started to sleep longer hours at night , a peak of 6 hours with the average around 5. The six hours was due to stress caused by shots and the tylenol given. But, Mommy was grateful nonetheless for the rest. We also had our first trip to the vet. Hunter needed his annual checkup. Aylin and her family came for a visit Friday night, and there were some fun compare and contrasting of 2 months vs 6 months.
Week 10, Megan is now able to rotate herself 90 degrees clockwise when placed on her stomach, and is able to do an "assisted crawl" which is where if there is a surface to push off of (i.e. a wall or Mom or Dad) she can make forward progress. We made our first trip to the Mall and picked up a couple new toys, a Winnie-the pooh mirror, a TinyLove Musical Mobile and a Ty stuffed dog.

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