5th & 6th Week Home
Jul/07/2007 02:25 PM
During Week 5, we recieved a visit from Winston's co-worker, Samantha. We took our first bath, and we took our first family trip to Babies 'R us and Target. We also went out to lunch togther for the first time to Oriental Gourmet (Chinese Buffet Establishment) for a farewell luncheon for another one of Winston's co-workers. And after weeks of buying diapers twice a week, in a fit of overcompensating we now have 600 Size 1-2 diapers, (which might be too many...)
During week six, we had a visit to Julie's Doctor, and we observed the 4th of July festivities by visiting Winston's co-worker and neighboor Pedro, whose wife Marta gave birth to Aylin back in February of this year. This was the first time that Megan's visited someone else's house, other than that we took a second bath, and several walks in the evening.