IMG_3380  Megan, Mommy look at HunterNEW 
1 IMG_3380 Megan, Mommy look at Hunter
IMG_3383  Megan and Mommy walking with Grandpa JoeNEW 
2 IMG_3383 Megan and Mommy walking with Grandpa Joe
IMG_3390  Megan and Mommy on a walkNEW 
3 IMG_3390 Megan and Mommy on a walk
IMG_3396  Megan eating avocadoNEW 
4 IMG_3396 Megan eating avocado
IMG_3397  Megan and Mommy at Texas RoadhouseNEW 
5 IMG_3397 Megan and Mommy at Texas Roadhouse
IMG_3400  Megan at the Texas RoadhouseNEW 
6 IMG_3400 Megan at the Texas Roadhouse
IMG_3407  8 Month Family PortraitNEW 
7 IMG_3407 8 Month Family Portrait
IMG_3410  8 Month Family PortraitNEW 
8 IMG_3410 8 Month Family Portrait
IMG_3412  8 Month PortraitNEW 
9 IMG_3412 8 Month Portrait
10 IMG_3415
IMG_3420  MeganNEW 
11 IMG_3420 Megan
IMG_3423  Mommy and Megan Book Babies at the Harris County Public LibraryNEW 
12 IMG_3423 Mommy and Megan Book Babies at the Harris County Public Library
IMG_3428  Book Babies, bucket of blocksNEW 
13 IMG_3428 Book Babies, bucket of blocks
IMG_3431  Mommy reading to Megan at Book BabiesNEW 
14 IMG_3431 Mommy reading to Megan at Book Babies
IMG_3432  Megan playing with toys at Book BabiesNEW 
15 IMG_3432 Megan playing with toys at Book Babies
IMG_3434  Book BabiesNEW 
16 IMG_3434 Book Babies
IMG_3435  Megan at Book BabiesNEW 
17 IMG_3435 Megan at Book Babies
IMG_3438  Book BabiesNEW 
18 IMG_3438 Book Babies
IMG_3440  Book BabiesNEW 
19 IMG_3440 Book Babies
IMG_3456  Megan eating a bananaNEW 
20 IMG_3456 Megan eating a banana
IMG_3460  Megan with Hunter's HedgehogNEW 
21 IMG_3460 Megan with Hunter's Hedgehog
IMG_3466  Megan climbing the stairsNEW 
22 IMG_3466 Megan climbing the stairs
IMG_3469  Megan and Mommy on the StairsNEW 
23 IMG_3469 Megan and Mommy on the Stairs
IMG_3471  Megan climbing the stairsNEW 
24 IMG_3471 Megan climbing the stairs
IMG_3475  Megan in her swingNEW 
25 IMG_3475 Megan in her swing
IMG_3478  Megan in her swingNEW 
26 IMG_3478 Megan in her swing
IMG_3482  Megan in the game roomNEW 
27 IMG_3482 Megan in the game room
IMG_3484  Megan in the game roomNEW 
28 IMG_3484 Megan in the game room
IMG_3486  Megan in the game roomNEW 
29 IMG_3486 Megan in the game room
IMG_3487  Megan with a Red Ball in front of her Fisher Price laugh and learn homeNEW 
30 IMG_3487 Megan with a Red Ball in front of her Fisher Price laugh and learn home
IMG_3489  Megan in the game roomNEW 
31 IMG_3489 Megan in the game room
IMG_3492  Megan in the game roomNEW 
32 IMG_3492 Megan in the game room
IMG_3495  Megan with her red rubber ballNEW 
33 IMG_3495 Megan with her red rubber ball
IMG_3499  Megan in the parking lotNEW 
34 IMG_3499 Megan in the parking lot
IMG_3506  Mommy and Megan on the Trail at Challenger 7 Memorial ParkNEW 
35 IMG_3506 Mommy and Megan on the Trail at Challenger 7 Memorial Park
IMG_3508  Mommy and Megan on the Trail at Challenger 7 Memorial ParkNEW 
36 IMG_3508 Mommy and Megan on the Trail at Challenger 7 Memorial Park
37 IMG_3514
38 IMG_3515
IMG_3516  Hunter, Mommy and MeganNEW 
39 IMG_3516 Hunter, Mommy and Megan
40 IMG_3517
IMG_3520  MeganNEW 
41 IMG_3520 Megan
42 IMG_3521
IMG_3524  Mommy and MeganNEW 
43 IMG_3524 Mommy and Megan
IMG_3531  Megan and GrandpaNEW 
44 IMG_3531 Megan and Grandpa
IMG_3533  Megan in her game room with stuffed OkapiNEW 
45 IMG_3533 Megan in her game room with stuffed Okapi
IMG_3534  Megan in her game room with stuffed OkapiNEW 
46 IMG_3534 Megan in her game room with stuffed Okapi
IMG_3535  Megan in her game room with stuffed OkapiNEW 
47 IMG_3535 Megan in her game room with stuffed Okapi
IMG_3542  Megan with her Roll-a-round dinosaurNEW 
48 IMG_3542 Megan with her Roll-a-round dinosaur
49 IMG_3543
IMG_3544  Megan with her Roll-a-round dinosaurNEW 
50 IMG_3544 Megan with her Roll-a-round dinosaur
51 IMG_3550
IMG_3551  Megan clearing out her BookshelfNEW 
52 IMG_3551 Megan clearing out her Bookshelf
53 IMG_3555
54 IMG_3558
IMG_3559  Megan standing in her cribNEW 
55 IMG_3559 Megan standing in her crib
IMG_3560  Megan standing in her cribNEW 
56 IMG_3560 Megan standing in her crib
57 IMG_3561
58 IMG_3562
59 IMG_3565
IMG_3569  Megan laughingNEW 
60 IMG_3569 Megan laughing
IMG_3570  Megan in her bunny sleep 'n playNEW 
61 IMG_3570 Megan in her bunny sleep 'n play
IMG_3573  Megan laughingNEW 
62 IMG_3573 Megan laughing
63 IMG_3575
IMG_3579  MeganNEW 
64 IMG_3579 Megan
IMG_3580  MeganNEW 
65 IMG_3580 Megan
66 IMG_3583
IMG_3584  Megan and DaddyNEW 
67 IMG_3584 Megan and Daddy
68 IMG_3586
IMG_3592  Megan playingNEW 
69 IMG_3592 Megan playing
IMG_3593  Megan playingNEW 
70 IMG_3593 Megan playing
IMG_3595  Megan playingNEW 
71 IMG_3595 Megan playing
IMG_3597  Megan Sleeping in her onesie from Aunt PeggyNEW 
72 IMG_3597 Megan Sleeping in her onesie from Aunt Peggy
IMG_3598  Megan standing with her swingNEW 
73 IMG_3598 Megan standing with her swing
74 IMG_3599
75 IMG_3600
76 IMG_3601
IMG_3602  Megan standing with her incrediblockNEW 
77 IMG_3602 Megan standing with her incrediblock
IMG_3603  Megan standing with her incrediblockNEW 
78 IMG_3603 Megan standing with her incrediblock
IMG_3604  Megan and her new teethNEW 
79 IMG_3604 Megan and her new teeth
IMG_3606  Megan and her new teethNEW 
80 IMG_3606 Megan and her new teeth
81 IMG_3610
IMG_3613  Mommy and MeganNEW 
82 IMG_3613 Mommy and Megan
IMG_3614  Mommy and MeganNEW 
83 IMG_3614 Mommy and Megan
IMG_3615  Martha and AylinNEW 
84 IMG_3615 Martha and Aylin
IMG_3616  Martha and AylinNEW 
85 IMG_3616 Martha and Aylin
IMG_3619  Megan and AylinNEW 
86 IMG_3619 Megan and Aylin
IMG_3621  AylinNEW 
87 IMG_3621 Aylin
IMG_3622  Julie, Megan, Pedro and AylinNEW 
88 IMG_3622 Julie, Megan, Pedro and Aylin
IMG_3623  AylinNEW 
89 IMG_3623 Aylin
IMG_3624  Megan behind the stair railsNEW 
90 IMG_3624 Megan behind the stair rails
91 IMG_3627
IMG_3628  Megan and the SSME ingition during the STS-122 Space Shuttle Atlantis's LaunchNEW 
92 IMG_3628 Megan and the SSME ingition during the STS-122 Space Shuttle Atlantis's Launch
IMG_3629  Megan watches STS-122 Space Shuttle Atlantis's LaunchNEW 
93 IMG_3629 Megan watches STS-122 Space Shuttle Atlantis's Launch
94 IMG_3630
95 IMG_3631
IMG_3634  Megan standing on the potNEW 
96 IMG_3634 Megan standing on the pot
IMG_3638  Mommy and MeganNEW 
97 IMG_3638 Mommy and Megan
IMG_3641  Megan and Mommy with her Roll-a-Round DinosaurNEW 
98 IMG_3641 Megan and Mommy with her Roll-a-Round Dinosaur
IMG_3643  Daddy and MeganNEW 
99 IMG_3643 Daddy and Megan
100 IMG_3648
IMG_3649  Megan in her diapersNEW 
101 IMG_3649 Megan in her diapers
102 IMG_3656
103 IMG_3657
IMG_3660  Megan in a bonnet from daddy's grandmotherNEW 
104 IMG_3660 Megan in a bonnet from daddy's grandmother
IMG_3662  Megan in a boxNEW 
105 IMG_3662 Megan in a box
IMG_3665  Megan in the boxNEW 
106 IMG_3665 Megan in the box
107 IMG_3669
IMG_3670  Megan and her favorite pickle/cucumberNEW 
108 IMG_3670 Megan and her favorite pickle/cucumber
IMG_3671  Megan and her favorite pickle/cucumberNEW 
109 IMG_3671 Megan and her favorite pickle/cucumber
IMG_3672  Megan and her favorite pickle/cucumberNEW 
110 IMG_3672 Megan and her favorite pickle/cucumber
IMG_3673  Megan and her favorite pickle/cucumberNEW 
111 IMG_3673 Megan and her favorite pickle/cucumber
IMG_3674  Megan and her favorite pickle/cucumberNEW 
112 IMG_3674 Megan and her favorite pickle/cucumber
IMG_3683  Megan in her Car Seat at the PediatricianNEW 
113 IMG_3683 Megan in her Car Seat at the Pediatrician
IMG_3684  Megan in her Car Seat at the PediatricianNEW 
114 IMG_3684 Megan in her Car Seat at the Pediatrician
115 IMG_3687
IMG_3688  Megan (w/ 2 teeth)NEW 
116 IMG_3688 Megan (w/ 2 teeth)
IMG_3689  JulieNEW 
117 IMG_3689 Julie
IMG_3690  Daddy and MeganNEW 
118 IMG_3690 Daddy and Megan
IMG_3691  Megan and her pink pony outfit and her Smoky Mountain Bear socksNEW 
119 IMG_3691 Megan and her pink pony outfit and her Smoky Mountain Bear socks
IMG_3694  MeganNEW 
120 IMG_3694 Megan
IMG_3695  Megan making a faceNEW 
121 IMG_3695 Megan making a face
IMG_3700  Megan in her CribNEW 
122 IMG_3700 Megan in her Crib
IMG_3702  MeganNEW 
123 IMG_3702 Megan
IMG_3705  Mommy and Megan with Mommy's Present- Heart Shaped Red enamel coated cast iron Casserole dish filled with Hershey's kissesNEW 
124 IMG_3705 Mommy and Megan with Mommy's Present- Heart Shaped Red enamel coated cast iron Casserole dish filled with Hershey's kisses
IMG_3706  Mommy and Megan with Mommy's Present- Heart Shaped Red enamel coated cast iron Casserole dish filled with Hershey's kissesNEW 
125 IMG_3706 Mommy and Megan with Mommy's Present- Heart Shaped Red enamel coated cast iron Casserole dish filled with Hershey's kisses
IMG_3707  Mommy and Megan with Mommy's Present- Heart Shaped Red enamel coated cast iron Casserole dish filled with Hershey's kissesNEW 
126 IMG_3707 Mommy and Megan with Mommy's Present- Heart Shaped Red enamel coated cast iron Casserole dish filled with Hershey's kisses