IMG_3059  Megan opening Christmas Presents from Nancy and BruNEW 
1 IMG_3059 Megan opening Christmas Presents from Nancy and Bru
IMG_3068  Megan looking at her embroidered Ferrum Blanket (present from the Brubakers)NEW 
2 IMG_3068 Megan looking at her embroidered Ferrum Blanket (present from the Brubakers)
3 IMG_3072
4 IMG_3073
IMG_3074  Megan and her Christmas Presents from NormaNEW 
5 IMG_3074 Megan and her Christmas Presents from Norma
6 IMG_3084
IMG_3089  yes that toyNEW 
7 IMG_3089 yes that toy
8 IMG_3090
IMG_3091  Megan on all foursNEW 
9 IMG_3091 Megan on all fours
10 IMG_3092
11 IMG_3107
12 IMG_3108
13 IMG_3111
IMG_3114  Megan likes the blue ball that comes with the Laugh and Learning homeNEW 
14 IMG_3114 Megan likes the blue ball that comes with the Laugh and Learning home
IMG_3116  Happy MeganNEW 
15 IMG_3116 Happy Megan
IMG_3119  Megan standing next to the Big Bird's Big Book from ReginaNEW 
16 IMG_3119 Megan standing next to the Big Bird's Big Book from Regina
IMG_3125  Megan has mail!NEW 
17 IMG_3125 Megan has mail!
IMG_3127  Hunter and BasilNEW 
18 IMG_3127 Hunter and Basil
IMG_3133  Megan in her game room wearing a purple flower dress from ZoeNEW 
19 IMG_3133 Megan in her game room wearing a purple flower dress from Zoe
IMG_3134  Megan in her game room wearing a purple flower dress from ZoeNEW 
20 IMG_3134 Megan in her game room wearing a purple flower dress from Zoe
IMG_3136  Megan and Mommy on a walkNEW 
21 IMG_3136 Megan and Mommy on a walk
IMG_3137  Mommy and Megan on a WalkNEW 
22 IMG_3137 Mommy and Megan on a Walk
IMG_3139  Mommy and Megan on a WalkNEW 
23 IMG_3139 Mommy and Megan on a Walk
IMG_3141  Mommy and Megan on a WalkNEW 
24 IMG_3141 Mommy and Megan on a Walk
25 IMG_3146
26 IMG_3150
27 IMG_3154
28 IMG_3156
IMG_3165  Megan playing with toysNEW 
29 IMG_3165 Megan playing with toys
30 IMG_3166
IMG_3168  Megan standing in her cribNEW 
31 IMG_3168 Megan standing in her crib
IMG_3171  Megan in her High ChairNEW 
32 IMG_3171 Megan in her High Chair
IMG_3172  Megan in her High ChairNEW 
33 IMG_3172 Megan in her High Chair
IMG_3174  Megna in her chrstmas outfitNEW 
34 IMG_3174 Megna in her chrstmas outfit
35 IMG_3185
36 IMG_3197
37 IMG_3201
38 IMG_3213
IMG_3217  Bay Area Park - sea gullsNEW 
39 IMG_3217 Bay Area Park - sea gulls
IMG_3219  DuckNEW 
40 IMG_3219 Duck
IMG_3222  Mommy, and Megan, Amy, Michelle and Uncle FrankNEW 
41 IMG_3222 Mommy, and Megan, Amy, Michelle and Uncle Frank
IMG_3224  Megan in Mommy's lapNEW 
42 IMG_3224 Megan in Mommy's lap
IMG_3225  Amy and BasilNEW 
43 IMG_3225 Amy and Basil
IMG_3231  Megan standing against her incrediblockNEW 
44 IMG_3231 Megan standing against her incrediblock
IMG_3236  Mommy and MeganNEW 
45 IMG_3236 Mommy and Megan
IMG_3241  Megan standing against her bouncy chairNEW 
46 IMG_3241 Megan standing against her bouncy chair
IMG_3243  Megan standing against her bouncy chairNEW 
47 IMG_3243 Megan standing against her bouncy chair
48 IMG_3245
49 IMG_3247
IMG_3248  Basil on the Window sillNEW 
50 IMG_3248 Basil on the Window sill
51 IMG_3249
IMG_3256  Mommy and Megan at the ParkNEW 
52 IMG_3256 Mommy and Megan at the Park
IMG_3262  Megan and Mommy at the ParkNEW 
53 IMG_3262 Megan and Mommy at the Park
54 IMG_3267
IMG_3268  Mommy and Megan at the ParkNEW 
55 IMG_3268 Mommy and Megan at the Park
IMG_3277  Mommy and Megan at the ParkNEW 
56 IMG_3277 Mommy and Megan at the Park
IMG_3280  Mommy and Megan at the Park with LeviNEW 
57 IMG_3280 Mommy and Megan at the Park with Levi
IMG_3282  Daddy, Megan and Hunter. (Megan is standing, leaning against Daddy's leg and reaching for hunter with both hands)NEW 
58 IMG_3282 Daddy, Megan and Hunter. (Megan is standing, leaning against Daddy's leg and reaching for hunter with both hands)
59 IMG_3286
IMG_3287  Megan eating sweet potatoesNEW 
60 IMG_3287 Megan eating sweet potatoes
IMG_3288  Megan eating sweet potatoesNEW 
61 IMG_3288 Megan eating sweet potatoes
IMG_3290  Megan sitting on the futonNEW 
62 IMG_3290 Megan sitting on the futon
IMG_3299  Megan inspecting a glass tableNEW 
63 IMG_3299 Megan inspecting a glass table
IMG_3300  Megan in her Car seatNEW 
64 IMG_3300 Megan in her Car seat
IMG_3303  Megan with her car seat and diaper bagNEW 
65 IMG_3303 Megan with her car seat and diaper bag
IMG_3304  Megan with her car seat and diaper bagNEW 
66 IMG_3304 Megan with her car seat and diaper bag
IMG_3309  Megan on a bounce and spin zebraNEW 
67 IMG_3309 Megan on a bounce and spin zebra
IMG_3313  Megan on a bounce and spin zebraNEW 
68 IMG_3313 Megan on a bounce and spin zebra
IMG_3318  Megan at Moneyin' AroundNEW 
69 IMG_3318 Megan at Moneyin' Around
IMG_3321  Megan popping the bubbleNEW 
70 IMG_3321 Megan popping the bubble
IMG_3322  Megan playing with bubbles at "Monkey'n Around"NEW 
71 IMG_3322 Megan playing with bubbles at "Monkey'n Around"
IMG_3325  Megan playing with bubbles at "Monkey'n Around"NEW 
72 IMG_3325 Megan playing with bubbles at "Monkey'n Around"
IMG_3327  Megan playing with bubbles at "Monkeyin' Around"NEW 
73 IMG_3327 Megan playing with bubbles at "Monkeyin' Around"
74 IMG_3331
IMG_3332  Megan and Mommy at the VetNEW 
75 IMG_3332 Megan and Mommy at the Vet
76 IMG_3335
IMG_3336  Megan sleeping on MommyNEW 
77 IMG_3336 Megan sleeping on Mommy
IMG_3339  First tooth peeking out, (The faint white line on the gum above the bright white reflection line)NEW 
78 IMG_3339 First tooth peeking out, (The faint white line on the gum above the bright white reflection line)
IMG_3346  Megan leaning against the safety gateNEW 
79 IMG_3346 Megan leaning against the safety gate
IMG_3348  Megan leaning against the safety gateNEW 
80 IMG_3348 Megan leaning against the safety gate
IMG_3349  Megan leaning against the safety gateNEW 
81 IMG_3349 Megan leaning against the safety gate
IMG_3352  Megan leaning against the safety gateNEW 
82 IMG_3352 Megan leaning against the safety gate
IMG_3354  Megan leaning against the safety gateNEW 
83 IMG_3354 Megan leaning against the safety gate
IMG_3361  Megan inspecting the foam lettersNEW 
84 IMG_3361 Megan inspecting the foam letters
IMG_3362  Megan inspecting the foam lettersNEW 
85 IMG_3362 Megan inspecting the foam letters
IMG_3365  Megan and her puzzle foam matNEW 
86 IMG_3365 Megan and her puzzle foam mat
IMG_3368  Megan and the foam puzzle mat and cubeNEW 
87 IMG_3368 Megan and the foam puzzle mat and cube
IMG_3369  Megan taking a few steps against a foam cubeNEW 
88 IMG_3369 Megan taking a few steps against a foam cube
IMG_3370  Megan standing against a foam cubeNEW 
89 IMG_3370 Megan standing against a foam cube
IMG_3371  Megan standing against a foam cubeNEW 
90 IMG_3371 Megan standing against a foam cube
IMG_3375  Megan on her Puzzle Foam Mat from One Step AheadNEW 
91 IMG_3375 Megan on her Puzzle Foam Mat from One Step Ahead