1 IMG_6219
IMG_6229  Bruchetta from Tomato Palace in Columbia MDNEW 
2 IMG_6229 Bruchetta from Tomato Palace in Columbia MD
IMG_6230  Skillet Seared Calamari from the Tomato Palace in Columbia MDNEW 
3 IMG_6230 Skillet Seared Calamari from the Tomato Palace in Columbia MD
4 IMG_6236
IMG_6238  Lilies at Da Gou HouseNEW 
5 IMG_6238 Lilies at Da Gou House
IMG_6241  Megan playing wtih Stuffed BearNEW 
6 IMG_6241 Megan playing wtih Stuffed Bear
IMG_6244  Megan peering at basket full of stuffed animalsNEW 
7 IMG_6244 Megan peering at basket full of stuffed animals
IMG_6245  Megan pointingNEW 
8 IMG_6245 Megan pointing
IMG_6256  Amy, Elaine, Ah Gong, and WinstonNEW 
9 IMG_6256 Amy, Elaine, Ah Gong, and Winston
IMG_6264  Ah Zhou and Megan and MommyNEW 
10 IMG_6264 Ah Zhou and Megan and Mommy
11 IMG_6266
IMG_6267  Ah Zhou and MeganNEW 
12 IMG_6267 Ah Zhou and Megan
IMG_6270  Megan and Ah Zhou in ProfileNEW 
13 IMG_6270 Megan and Ah Zhou in Profile
IMG_6272  Ah Zhou patting Megan on the headNEW 
14 IMG_6272 Ah Zhou patting Megan on the head
15 IMG_6275
IMG_6276  BJNEW 
16 IMG_6276 BJ
IMG_6277  Megan and Daddy on Father's DayNEW 
17 IMG_6277 Megan and Daddy on Father's Day
IMG_6279  Centennial Park - Elaine, Mommy, Megan, Da Gou Po, and Da Gou GongNEW 
18 IMG_6279 Centennial Park - Elaine, Mommy, Megan, Da Gou Po, and Da Gou Gong
IMG_6280  Centennial Park - Fork in the TrailNEW 
19 IMG_6280 Centennial Park - Fork in the Trail
IMG_6282  Centennial ParkNEW 
20 IMG_6282 Centennial Park
IMG_6283  Centennial ParkNEW 
21 IMG_6283 Centennial Park
IMG_6284  Centennial ParkNEW 
22 IMG_6284 Centennial Park
IMG_6285  Centennial ParkNEW 
23 IMG_6285 Centennial Park
IMG_6286  Centennial ParkNEW 
24 IMG_6286 Centennial Park
IMG_6289  Centennial Park - GeeseNEW 
25 IMG_6289 Centennial Park - Geese
IMG_6294  Centennial Park - Red-Winged BlackbirdNEW 
26 IMG_6294 Centennial Park - Red-Winged Blackbird
IMG_6296  Centennial Park InsectNEW 
27 IMG_6296 Centennial Park Insect
IMG_6297  Centennial Park - Bumblebee InsectNEW 
28 IMG_6297 Centennial Park - Bumblebee Insect
IMG_6298  Centennial Park InsectNEW 
29 IMG_6298 Centennial Park Insect
IMG_6299  Centennial Park InsectNEW 
30 IMG_6299 Centennial Park Insect
IMG_6301  Centennial ParkNEW 
31 IMG_6301 Centennial Park
IMG_6303  Centennial Park - RobinNEW 
32 IMG_6303 Centennial Park - Robin
IMG_6304  Centennial ParkNEW 
33 IMG_6304 Centennial Park
IMG_6305  Centennial ParkNEW 
34 IMG_6305 Centennial Park
IMG_6307  Centennial Park - Megan and Mommy on the TrailNEW 
35 IMG_6307 Centennial Park - Megan and Mommy on the Trail
IMG_6309  Centennial ParkNEW 
36 IMG_6309 Centennial Park
IMG_6310  Centennial Park - WoodsNEW 
37 IMG_6310 Centennial Park - Woods
IMG_6312  Centennial Park - Foot BridgeNEW 
38 IMG_6312 Centennial Park - Foot Bridge
IMG_6313  Centennial Park - Lily PadNEW 
39 IMG_6313 Centennial Park - Lily Pad
IMG_6314  Centennial ParkNEW 
40 IMG_6314 Centennial Park
IMG_6315  Centennial Park - ButterflyNEW 
41 IMG_6315 Centennial Park - Butterfly
IMG_6317  MerlinNEW 
42 IMG_6317 Merlin
43 IMG_6318
IMG_6320  NimueNEW 
44 IMG_6320 Nimue
IMG_6321  Megan and Mommy for LunchNEW 
45 IMG_6321 Megan and Mommy for Lunch
IMG_6322  Zoe, Irene, Chloe, Jared, Marian, MaryNEW 
46 IMG_6322 Zoe, Irene, Chloe, Jared, Marian, Mary
IMG_6323  Mary, Jared, Chloe and JohnNEW 
47 IMG_6323 Mary, Jared, Chloe and John
IMG_6324  Jeff and IreneNEW 
48 IMG_6324 Jeff and Irene
IMG_6326  Irene and MeganNEW 
49 IMG_6326 Irene and Megan
IMG_6328  IreneNEW 
50 IMG_6328 Irene
51 IMG_6330
52 IMG_6332
IMG_6333  MeganNEW 
53 IMG_6333 Megan
IMG_6336  Megan on the easy chairNEW 
54 IMG_6336 Megan on the easy chair
IMG_6338  Megan playing with frog toysNEW 
55 IMG_6338 Megan playing with frog toys
56 IMG_6340
57 IMG_6342
IMG_6347  Jeff and IreneNEW 
58 IMG_6347 Jeff and Irene
IMG_6348  Zoë and JeffNEW 
59 IMG_6348 Zoë and Jeff
60 IMG_6349
IMG_6350  Megan and Irene readingNEW 
61 IMG_6350 Megan and Irene reading
IMG_6351  Megan holding up a rhino puzzle pieceNEW 
62 IMG_6351 Megan holding up a rhino puzzle piece
63 IMG_6352
64 IMG_6353
IMG_6355  Irene and Megan play with Jack in the BoxNEW 
65 IMG_6355 Irene and Megan play with Jack in the Box
IMG_6357  Irene readingNEW 
66 IMG_6357 Irene reading
IMG_6358  Irene ReadingNEW 
67 IMG_6358 Irene Reading
IMG_6361  Irene ReadingNEW 
68 IMG_6361 Irene Reading
69 IMG_6368
IMG_6369  Megan "petting" NimueNEW 
70 IMG_6369 Megan "petting" Nimue
IMG_6372  Megan Petting NimueNEW 
71 IMG_6372 Megan Petting Nimue
72 IMG_6375
IMG_6376  IreneNEW 
73 IMG_6376 Irene
IMG_6378  Megan StandingNEW 
74 IMG_6378 Megan Standing
IMG_6380  Julie, Megan, Irene and JeffNEW 
75 IMG_6380 Julie, Megan, Irene and Jeff
IMG_6382  Group PictureNEW 
76 IMG_6382 Group Picture
77 IMG_6383
IMG_6385  Winston and IreneNEW 
78 IMG_6385 Winston and Irene
IMG_6387  Daddy and MeganNEW 
79 IMG_6387 Daddy and Megan
80 IMG_6389
IMG_6390  Zoe, Irene, Winston and MeganNEW 
81 IMG_6390 Zoe, Irene, Winston and Megan
82 IMG_6394
83 IMG_6395
IMG_6396  Jeff and MeganNEW 
84 IMG_6396 Jeff and Megan
IMG_6397  Irene PosingNEW 
85 IMG_6397 Irene Posing
IMG_6398  Irene PosingNEW 
86 IMG_6398 Irene Posing
87 IMG_6399
IMG_6400  Irene and Megan on the HammockNEW 
88 IMG_6400 Irene and Megan on the Hammock
89 IMG_6401
IMG_6403  Irene on the HammockNEW 
90 IMG_6403 Irene on the Hammock
91 IMG_6404
IMG_6408  Family on the HammockNEW 
92 IMG_6408 Family on the Hammock
IMG_6409  Megan walking outdoorsNEW 
93 IMG_6409 Megan walking outdoors
94 IMG_6410
95 IMG_6411
96 IMG_6412
97 IMG_6413
IMG_6414  Jeff blowing bubbles for Irene and MeganNEW 
98 IMG_6414 Jeff blowing bubbles for Irene and Megan
IMG_6415  Megan and IreneNEW 
99 IMG_6415 Megan and Irene
IMG_6416  Megan looking at clematisNEW 
100 IMG_6416 Megan looking at clematis
101 IMG_6417
102 IMG_6418
103 IMG_6420
104 IMG_6421
105 IMG_6422
106 IMG_6423
107 IMG_6427
IMG_6432  Megan and Er-Gou PoNEW 
108 IMG_6432 Megan and Er-Gou Po
109 IMG_6435
110 IMG_6436
IMG_6438  Mommy, Megan and Xiao Gou PoNEW 
111 IMG_6438 Mommy, Megan and Xiao Gou Po
IMG_6439  Mommy, Megan and Xiao Gou PoNEW 
112 IMG_6439 Mommy, Megan and Xiao Gou Po
113 IMG_6441
IMG_6443  Cousin Amy and Xiao GouNEW 
114 IMG_6443 Cousin Amy and Xiao Gou
IMG_6444  Amtrak Train from BWI-NYCNEW 
115 IMG_6444 Amtrak Train from BWI-NYC
116 IMG_6452
IMG_6457  Megan and Mommy on the TrainNEW 
117 IMG_6457 Megan and Mommy on the Train
IMG_6458  Megan & Mommy in the Big AppleNEW 
118 IMG_6458 Megan & Mommy in the Big Apple
IMG_6459  New York Post OfficeNEW 
119 IMG_6459 New York Post Office
IMG_6460  Julie and Megan in front of the New York Post OfficeNEW 
120 IMG_6460 Julie and Megan in front of the New York Post Office
IMG_6463  Ruffino Meets MeganNEW 
121 IMG_6463 Ruffino Meets Megan
IMG_6465  Ruffino sits in Julie's LapNEW 
122 IMG_6465 Ruffino sits in Julie's Lap
IMG_6468  Megan playing with the Fridge MagnetsNEW 
123 IMG_6468 Megan playing with the Fridge Magnets
124 IMG_6473
IMG_6474  Megan handing over something.NEW 
125 IMG_6474 Megan handing over something.
IMG_6475  RuffinoNEW 
126 IMG_6475 Ruffino
IMG_6476  Megan curious about DoraNEW 
127 IMG_6476 Megan curious about Dora
128 IMG_6479
IMG_6480  Megan trying out Evangline's toysNEW 
129 IMG_6480 Megan trying out Evangline's toys
IMG_6482  Megan trying out Evangline's toysNEW 
130 IMG_6482 Megan trying out Evangline's toys
IMG_6483  EvanglineNEW 
131 IMG_6483 Evangline
IMG_6486  RuffinoNEW 
132 IMG_6486 Ruffino
IMG_6489  EvanglineNEW 
133 IMG_6489 Evangline
IMG_6490  Evangline, Megan and MommyNEW 
134 IMG_6490 Evangline, Megan and Mommy
135 IMG_6493
IMG_6494  Evangline pointing out an airplaneNEW 
136 IMG_6494 Evangline pointing out an airplane
IMG_6495  RuffinoNEW 
137 IMG_6495 Ruffino
IMG_6497  Playing in the Sandbox - Julie, Megan and EvanglineNEW 
138 IMG_6497 Playing in the Sandbox - Julie, Megan and Evangline
139 IMG_6499
140 IMG_6501
IMG_6504  Uncle Robert, Aunt Raymonde, Megan, Evangline and JulieNEW 
141 IMG_6504 Uncle Robert, Aunt Raymonde, Megan, Evangline and Julie
142 IMG_6505
143 IMG_6507
IMG_6508  flowers inthe front yardNEW 
144 IMG_6508 flowers inthe front yard
145 IMG_6510
IMG_6511  Mommy, Megan, Evangline and Great Aunt RaymondeNEW 
146 IMG_6511 Mommy, Megan, Evangline and Great Aunt Raymonde
147 IMG_6512
IMG_6513  Group PictureNEW 
148 IMG_6513 Group Picture
IMG_6514  Elmo Carvel Ice Cream CakeNEW 
149 IMG_6514 Elmo Carvel Ice Cream Cake
150 IMG_6515
IMG_6516  Evangline with her grandparents and Ice Cream CakeNEW 
151 IMG_6516 Evangline with her grandparents and Ice Cream Cake
152 IMG_6517
153 IMG_6518
IMG_6519  Great Uncle Robert, Great Aunt Raymonde, Mommy, and MeganNEW 
154 IMG_6519 Great Uncle Robert, Great Aunt Raymonde, Mommy, and Megan
IMG_6520  Evangline and her MommyNEW 
155 IMG_6520 Evangline and her Mommy
IMG_6522  Megan with Mommy, and Second Cousins Christine and ReneeNEW 
156 IMG_6522 Megan with Mommy, and Second Cousins Christine and Renee
IMG_6526  James, Megan and JulieNEW 
157 IMG_6526 James, Megan and Julie
IMG_6527  Christine and MikeNEW 
158 IMG_6527 Christine and Mike
IMG_6529  James and MeganNEW 
159 IMG_6529 James and Megan
IMG_6533  EvanglineNEW 
160 IMG_6533 Evangline
IMG_6535  EvanglineNEW 
161 IMG_6535 Evangline
IMG_6536  Winston and EvanglineNEW 
162 IMG_6536 Winston and Evangline
IMG_6538  MeganNEW 
163 IMG_6538 Megan
IMG_6543  MeganNEW 
164 IMG_6543 Megan
IMG_6544  Megan examining her music box presentNEW 
165 IMG_6544 Megan examining her music box present
IMG_6545  Megan looking into her gift bagNEW 
166 IMG_6545 Megan looking into her gift bag
IMG_6546  Megan playing with her See 'n Say PresentNEW 
167 IMG_6546 Megan playing with her See 'n Say Present
IMG_6548  Megan looking at birthday cardNEW 
168 IMG_6548 Megan looking at birthday card
169 IMG_6549
IMG_6551  BreakfastNEW 
170 IMG_6551 Breakfast
IMG_6552  Playing with the slideNEW 
171 IMG_6552 Playing with the slide
172 IMG_6554
IMG_6561  Sandbox timeNEW 
173 IMG_6561 Sandbox time
IMG_6562  Evangine on the slideNEW 
174 IMG_6562 Evangine on the slide
IMG_6567  Megan on the slideNEW 
175 IMG_6567 Megan on the slide
IMG_6576  EvanglineNEW 
176 IMG_6576 Evangline
177 IMG_6577
IMG_6581  Renee's HouseNEW 
178 IMG_6581 Renee's House
179 IMG_6584
IMG_6587  Mommy and Megan at Hickman PlaygroundNEW 
180 IMG_6587 Mommy and Megan at Hickman Playground
IMG_6590  Megan pointing a branch out for Mommy at Hickman PlaygroundNEW 
181 IMG_6590 Megan pointing a branch out for Mommy at Hickman Playground
IMG_6591  Megan picking up said stickNEW 
182 IMG_6591 Megan picking up said stick
IMG_6596  Megan behind barsNEW 
183 IMG_6596 Megan behind bars
IMG_6598  Evangline, her Nanny, Megan and JulieNEW 
184 IMG_6598 Evangline, her Nanny, Megan and Julie
IMG_6600  Evangline at Hickman PlaygroundNEW 
185 IMG_6600 Evangline at Hickman Playground
IMG_6605  Evangline on the slideNEW 
186 IMG_6605 Evangline on the slide
187 IMG_6613
188 IMG_6617
IMG_6619  Mommy and Megan at the New Canaan Library Children's sectionNEW 
189 IMG_6619 Mommy and Megan at the New Canaan Library Children's section
IMG_6625  Megan selecting a bookNEW 
190 IMG_6625 Megan selecting a book
IMG_6627  Megan and Mommy checking out the Art exhibit at the New Canaan LibraryNEW 
191 IMG_6627 Megan and Mommy checking out the Art exhibit at the New Canaan Library
IMG_6629  Megan in the New Canaan Toy ShopNEW 
192 IMG_6629 Megan in the New Canaan Toy Shop
IMG_6631  Mrs. Chou, Ah Gong, and Mommy and Megan at the Canaan Parish Sweet ShoppeNEW 
193 IMG_6631 Mrs. Chou, Ah Gong, and Mommy and Megan at the Canaan Parish Sweet Shoppe
IMG_6634  Mommy and Megan on Main St. in New Canaan, CTNEW 
194 IMG_6634 Mommy and Megan on Main St. in New Canaan, CT
IMG_6635  Mommy and Megan on Main St. in New Canaan, CTNEW 
195 IMG_6635 Mommy and Megan on Main St. in New Canaan, CT
IMG_6636  Mommy and Megan on Main St. in New Canaan, CTNEW 
196 IMG_6636 Mommy and Megan on Main St. in New Canaan, CT
IMG_6640  "Y" and "IE"NEW 
197 IMG_6640 "Y" and "IE"
IMG_6643  Megan holding wash cloth and FrancaisNEW 
198 IMG_6643 Megan holding wash cloth and Francais
IMG_6650  Megan playing with Playskool Busy GearsNEW 
199 IMG_6650 Megan playing with Playskool Busy Gears
IMG_6651  Daddy and MeganNEW 
200 IMG_6651 Daddy and Megan
201 IMG_6652
IMG_6654  Megan in a high chair at Pearl EastNEW 
202 IMG_6654 Megan in a high chair at Pearl East
IMG_6658  Group picture with the Wu's and Chou'sNEW 
203 IMG_6658 Group picture with the Wu's and Chou's
IMG_6660  Ah Ma reading to MeganNEW 
204 IMG_6660 Ah Ma reading to Megan
205 IMG_6664
IMG_6666  Ah Gong and MeganNEW 
206 IMG_6666 Ah Gong and Megan
IMG_6667  Ah Gong and MeganNEW 
207 IMG_6667 Ah Gong and Megan
208 IMG_6668
209 IMG_6670
210 IMG_6671
IMG_6672  Ah Ma and Megan showing off her gold coin pendantNEW 
211 IMG_6672 Ah Ma and Megan showing off her gold coin pendant
212 IMG_6674
213 IMG_6675
IMG_6677  MeganNEW 
214 IMG_6677 Megan
215 IMG_6686
216 IMG_6687
ShadyLane  Grandparent's houseNEW 
217 ShadyLane Grandparent's house
IMG_6691  Water Fountain at Stew Leonard'sNEW 
218 IMG_6691 Water Fountain at Stew Leonard's
IMG_6692  Megan on the cowNEW 
219 IMG_6692 Megan on the cow
IMG_6694  CowNEW 
220 IMG_6694 Cow
221 IMG_6695
222 IMG_6696
223 IMG_6697
IMG_6698  Megan and a cowNEW 
224 IMG_6698 Megan and a cow
IMG_6700  Megan trying a peachNEW 
225 IMG_6700 Megan trying a peach
IMG_6711  Megan playing with the Busy GearsNEW 
226 IMG_6711 Megan playing with the Busy Gears
IMG_6714  Megan playing with the Busy GearsNEW 
227 IMG_6714 Megan playing with the Busy Gears
IMG_6716  Mommy, Megan and Xiao Yi PoNEW 
228 IMG_6716 Mommy, Megan and Xiao Yi Po
IMG_6781  Mommy and Megan sleepingNEW 
229 IMG_6781 Mommy and Megan sleeping
230 IMG_6784
231 IMG_6785
232 IMG_6787
IMG_6790  Ah Ma and Xiao Ah YiNEW 
233 IMG_6790 Ah Ma and Xiao Ah Yi
IMG_6791  TalaNEW 
234 IMG_6791 Tala
IMG_6792  TalaNEW 
235 IMG_6792 Tala
IMG_6795  Tala and Winston's MomNEW 
236 IMG_6795 Tala and Winston's Mom
IMG_6797  Megan and VanNEW 
237 IMG_6797 Megan and Van
IMG_6800  Xiao Yi Po, Ah a and MeganNEW 
238 IMG_6800 Xiao Yi Po, Ah a and Megan
IMG_6806  Van, Tala, Brendan, Winston's Parents, Xiao Ah YiNEW 
239 IMG_6806 Van, Tala, Brendan, Winston's Parents, Xiao Ah Yi
IMG_6808  Megan a children's storeNEW 
240 IMG_6808 Megan a children's store
IMG_6810  Jim and ShariNEW 
241 IMG_6810 Jim and Shari
IMG_6811  Jim, Shari, Megan and JulieNEW 
242 IMG_6811 Jim, Shari, Megan and Julie
243 IMG_6815
244 IMG_6817
IMG_6818  Walking to the BallparkNEW 
245 IMG_6818 Walking to the Ballpark
IMG_6819  View of the Northern Canal from the Tiger Frechette Bridge, Lowell, MANEW 
246 IMG_6819 View of the Northern Canal from the Tiger Frechette Bridge, Lowell, MA
IMG_6822  Watching the Baseball GameNEW 
247 IMG_6822 Watching the Baseball Game
IMG_6828  Megan at Lelacheur Park (Home of the Lowell Spinners, a Single A Minor league feeder for the Boston Red Sox)NEW 
248 IMG_6828 Megan at Lelacheur Park (Home of the Lowell Spinners, a Single A Minor league feeder for the Boston Red Sox)
IMG_6835  Julie and Megan at Lelacheur ParkNEW 
249 IMG_6835 Julie and Megan at Lelacheur Park
IMG_6839  at the gameNEW 
250 IMG_6839 at the game
IMG_6841  Leaving to go homeNEW 
251 IMG_6841 Leaving to go home
IMG_6842  Lelacheur Park Box OfficeNEW 
252 IMG_6842 Lelacheur Park Box Office
IMG_6843  View of the Northern Canal from the Tiger Frechette BridgeNEW 
253 IMG_6843 View of the Northern Canal from the Tiger Frechette Bridge
IMG_6848  The Bridgeland and WangsNEW 
254 IMG_6848 The Bridgeland and Wangs
IMG_6849  Merrimack River east of the Pawtucket Gatehouse, Lowell MANEW 
255 IMG_6849 Merrimack River east of the Pawtucket Gatehouse, Lowell MA
IMG_6850  View Downstream of Merrimack River from the Mammoth Rd BridgeNEW 
256 IMG_6850 View Downstream of Merrimack River from the Mammoth Rd Bridge
IMG_6853  Merrimack RiverNEW 
257 IMG_6853 Merrimack River
258 IMG_6854
IMG_6855  University Ave Bridge on the Merrimack River from Mammoth Rd BridgeNEW 
259 IMG_6855 University Ave Bridge on the Merrimack River from Mammoth Rd Bridge
260 STB_6858
261 IMG_6863
262 IMG_6865
IMG_6867  Merrimack RiverNEW 
263 IMG_6867 Merrimack River
IMG_6868  Merrimack RiverNEW 
264 IMG_6868 Merrimack River
265 IMG_6869
IMG_6873  View westward from Pawtucket Gatehouse of the Merrimack RiverNEW 
266 IMG_6873 View westward from Pawtucket Gatehouse of the Merrimack River
267 IMG_6878
IMG_6881  Jonathan Bowers House 1872 (Round House)NEW 
268 IMG_6881 Jonathan Bowers House 1872 (Round House)
IMG_6883  Airplane for the BOS-PHLNEW 
269 IMG_6883 Airplane for the BOS-PHL
IMG_6884  Boston, MA from the runway at Logan AirportNEW 
270 IMG_6884 Boston, MA from the runway at Logan Airport
IMG_6890  Rocking Chair in the Philadelphia AirportNEW 
271 IMG_6890 Rocking Chair in the Philadelphia Airport
272 IMG_6893
MerrimackRiverUpstreamofMammothRdInLowellMA  Merrimack River Upstream of Mammoth Rd In Lowell MA PanoramaNEW 
273 MerrimackRiverUpstreamofMammothRdInLowellMA Merrimack River Upstream of Mammoth Rd In Lowell MA Panorama