IMG_7076  Julie and Megan at Oriental GourmetNEW 
1 IMG_7076 Julie and Megan at Oriental Gourmet
IMG_7077  Megan in Pooh Onesie from LisaNEW 
2 IMG_7077 Megan in Pooh Onesie from Lisa
3 IMG_7083
4 IMG_7085
5 IMG_7086
6 IMG_7088
7 IMG_7090
8 IMG_7091
9 IMG_7095
IMG 7096NEW 
IMG_7100  Megan playing on her floor matNEW 
11 IMG_7100 Megan playing on her floor mat
12 IMG_7101
13 IMG_7103
IMG_7106  Megan and her BobbyNEW 
14 IMG_7106 Megan and her Bobby
15 IMG_7143
16 IMG_7144
IMG_7166  Bubble BathNEW 
17 IMG_7166 Bubble Bath
18 IMG_7167
19 IMG_7168
20 IMG_7172
IMG_7181  More Bubble BathNEW 
21 IMG_7181 More Bubble Bath
IMG_7197  Megan at Norma's houseNEW 
22 IMG_7197 Megan at Norma's house
IMG_7200  Megan and HunterNEW 
23 IMG_7200 Megan and Hunter
IMG 7206  Yellow Onesie from LisaNEW 
24 Yellow Onesie from Lisa
25 IMG_7208
IMG_7210  Megan and TiffanyNEW 
26 IMG_7210 Megan and Tiffany
IMG_7212  Megan and TiffanyNEW 
27 IMG_7212 Megan and Tiffany
28 IMG_7218
29 IMG_7221
IMG_7223  Pink dress from ZoëNEW 
30 IMG_7223 Pink dress from Zoë
31 IMG_7231
32 IMG_7232
33 IMG_7233
34 IMG_7234
IMG 7237  3 Month Family PortraitNEW 
35 3 Month Family Portrait
36 IMG_7238
37 IMG_7239
38 IMG_7243
39 IMG_7244
40 IMG_7251
IMG_8416  Megan sleeping on her play blanket (wearing foot rattles)NEW 
41 IMG_8416 Megan sleeping on her play blanket (wearing foot rattles)
IMG_8419  Megan in her red onesieNEW 
42 IMG_8419 Megan in her red onesie
IMG_8425  MegaNEW 
43 IMG_8425 Mega
IMG_8429  MeganNEW 
44 IMG_8429 Megan
IMG_8430  Megan in a pink onesie from Cousin LisaNEW 
45 IMG_8430 Megan in a pink onesie from Cousin Lisa
IMG_8438  Megan in her new sitterNEW 
46 IMG_8438 Megan in her new sitter
IMG_8440  Megan and Bernadette at the Oriental GoumetNEW 
47 IMG_8440 Megan and Bernadette at the Oriental Goumet
IMG_8448  Megan and BJNEW 
48 IMG_8448 Megan and BJ
IMG_8454  Megan during tummy timeNEW 
49 IMG_8454 Megan during tummy time
IMG_8460  MeganNEW 
50 IMG_8460 Megan
IMG 8464  Megan in a the green sheetsNEW 
51 Megan in a the green sheets
52 IMG_8465
53 IMG_8466
IMG 8467  Megan tucked inNEW 
54 Megan tucked in
IMG 8471  Megan in a Pooh outfit from Zoe, grabbing her footNEW 
55 Megan in a Pooh outfit from Zoe, grabbing her foot
IMG_8475  Megan grabbing her footNEW 
56 IMG_8475 Megan grabbing her foot
IMG_8477  Megan and Tiffany (showing off her chopstick skills)NEW 
57 IMG_8477 Megan and Tiffany (showing off her chopstick skills)
IMG_8478  Megan reaching from her footNEW 
58 IMG_8478 Megan reaching from her foot
IMG_8481  Megan with her foot rattlesNEW 
59 IMG_8481 Megan with her foot rattles
IMG_8492  Megan nappingNEW 
60 IMG_8492 Megan napping
IMG 8501  Megan doing tummy timeNEW 
61 Megan doing tummy time
IMG_8502  Megan in her yellow onesieNEW 
62 IMG_8502 Megan in her yellow onesie
IMG_8508  MeganNEW 
63 IMG_8508 Megan
IMG_8512  Megan SmilingNEW 
64 IMG_8512 Megan Smiling
IMG_8513  MeganNEW 
65 IMG_8513 Megan
66 IMG_8514
IMG_8515  Megan laughingNEW 
67 IMG_8515 Megan laughing
IMG_8528  Megan in her bouncy seat with HunterNEW 
68 IMG_8528 Megan in her bouncy seat with Hunter
IMG 8531  Megan in her bouncy chair in the backyardNEW 
69 Megan in her bouncy chair in the backyard
IMG_8539  Megan and MommyNEW 
70 IMG_8539 Megan and Mommy
IMG_8540  Megan and MommyNEW 
71 IMG_8540 Megan and Mommy
IMG_8541  Joules and MeganNEW 
72 IMG_8541 Joules and Megan
IMG_8542  Megan looking at JoulesNEW 
73 IMG_8542 Megan looking at Joules
IMG_8544  Joules enjoying a head scratch with Megan looking on.NEW 
74 IMG_8544 Joules enjoying a head scratch with Megan looking on.
IMG_8547  AirplaneNEW 
75 IMG_8547 Airplane
IMG_8552  Megan and DaddyNEW 
76 IMG_8552 Megan and Daddy
IMG_8554  Daddy kissing MeganNEW 
77 IMG_8554 Daddy kissing Megan
IMG_8555  Norma showing off a musical hand puppet to MeganNEW 
78 IMG_8555 Norma showing off a musical hand puppet to Megan
79 IMG_8568
80 IMG_8570
81 IMG_8571
IMG 8572  4-month Family PortraitNEW 
82 4-month Family Portrait
83 IMG_8574
IMG 8575  4 month old Megan smiling (Dress from Lisa)NEW 
84 4 month old Megan smiling (Dress from Lisa)
85 IMG_8576
86 IMG_8578
87 IMG_8579
88 IMG_8582
89 IMG_8585
IMG_8587  Megan laying downNEW 
90 IMG_8587 Megan laying down
91 IMG_8591
IMG_8592  BasilNEW 
92 IMG_8592 Basil
IMG_8593  Winston and BasilNEW 
93 IMG_8593 Winston and Basil
94 IMG_8594
IMG_8595  Megan laying downNEW 
95 IMG_8595 Megan laying down
IMG_8597  Megan on her backNEW 
96 IMG_8597 Megan on her back
IMG 8598  Megan sleepingNEW 
97 Megan sleeping
98 IMG_8600
IMG 8601  Megan playing with her toys (on loan from Cousin Regina) outfit from Cousin LisaNEW 
99 Megan playing with her toys (on loan from Cousin Regina) outfit from Cousin Lisa
100 IMG_8605
IMG_8606  Megan wearing her toys as braceletsNEW 
101 IMG_8606 Megan wearing her toys as bracelets
IMG_8608  Tummy timeNEW 
102 IMG_8608 Tummy time
103 IMG_8609
IMG 8611  MeganNEW 
104 Megan
105 IMG_8613
106 IMG_8614
IMG_8619  Family PortaitNEW 
107 IMG_8619 Family Portait
108 IMG_8620
109 IMG_8621
IMG 8625  4 month Family Portrait OutdoorsNEW 
110 4 month Family Portrait Outdoors
111 IMG_8626
IMG_8627  Megan and Mommy LaughingNEW 
112 IMG_8627 Megan and Mommy Laughing
IMG_8628  Megan and Mommy LaughingNEW 
113 IMG_8628 Megan and Mommy Laughing
IMG_8630  Megan and Mommy LaughingNEW 
114 IMG_8630 Megan and Mommy Laughing
IMG_8631  Megan and Mommy LaughingNEW 
115 IMG_8631 Megan and Mommy Laughing
IMG 8632  Megan and Mommy LaughingNEW 
116 Megan and Mommy Laughing
117 IMG_8633
118 IMG_8634
IMG_8637  Megan leaning forwardNEW 
119 IMG_8637 Megan leaning forward
120 IMG_8640
IMG_8641  Megan leaning forwardNEW 
121 IMG_8641 Megan leaning forward
IMG 8644  Megan in her bouncy chiarNEW 
122 Megan in her bouncy chiar
123 IMG_8651
IMG 8652  Megan in her Car Seat (4 month well baby visit to the pediatrician)NEW 
124 Megan in her Car Seat (4 month well baby visit to the pediatrician)
IMG 8654  Megan on the examination table at the pediatrician (Outfit from Mary Ann)NEW 
125 Megan on the examination table at the pediatrician (Outfit from Mary Ann)
126 IMG_8655
IMG_8656  always happy (before the vaccinations)NEW 
127 IMG_8656 always happy (before the vaccinations)
IMG_8663  Megan in Mommy's Princess outfit from ZoeNEW 
128 IMG_8663 Megan in Mommy's Princess outfit from Zoe
IMG 8664  Megan with BlizzardNEW 
129 Megan with Blizzard
IMG_8665  Robert and his dinner at Pho YenNEW 
130 IMG_8665 Robert and his dinner at Pho Yen
IMG_8669  Megan and Second Cousin Once removed RobertNEW 
131 IMG_8669 Megan and Second Cousin Once removed Robert
IMG_8670  Megan and Second Cousin Once removed RobertNEW 
132 IMG_8670 Megan and Second Cousin Once removed Robert
IMG 8672  Megan and Second Cousin Once removed RobertNEW 
133 Megan and Second Cousin Once removed Robert
IMG_8673  Making faces at each otherNEW 
134 IMG_8673 Making faces at each other
IMG_8674  Megan in a pink outfit from ZoeNEW 
135 IMG_8674 Megan in a pink outfit from Zoe
IMG_8675  Megan in a pink outfit from ZoeNEW 
136 IMG_8675 Megan in a pink outfit from Zoe
137 IMG_8676
IMG_8677  Megan in a pink outfit from ZoeNEW 
138 IMG_8677 Megan in a pink outfit from Zoe
139 IMG_8678
IMG_8683  Megan playing AirplaneNEW 
140 IMG_8683 Megan playing Airplane
IMG_8690  MeganNEW 
141 IMG_8690 Megan
142 IMG_8691
IMG 8692  Megan in her Pineapple outfitNEW 
143 Megan in her Pineapple outfit
IMG_8693  Megan leaning forward on Mommy's Lap (Greg in background)NEW 
144 IMG_8693 Megan leaning forward on Mommy's Lap (Greg in background)
IMG_8696  Aylin and PedroNEW 
145 IMG_8696 Aylin and Pedro
IMG_8697  Martha, Pedro, Aylin, and PedroNEW 
146 IMG_8697 Martha, Pedro, Aylin, and Pedro
IMG_8698  Aylin and Megan and JulieNEW 
147 IMG_8698 Aylin and Megan and Julie
IMG_8699  Aylin and MeganNEW 
148 IMG_8699 Aylin and Megan
IMG_8700  Martha, Aylin, Megan and JulieNEW 
149 IMG_8700 Martha, Aylin, Megan and Julie
IMG_8702  Aylin and Megan and AmandaNEW 
150 IMG_8702 Aylin and Megan and Amanda
IMG_8710  Megan doing her self-supported hunchNEW 
151 IMG_8710 Megan doing her self-supported hunch
IMG_8712  Megan after her self-supported hunchNEW 
152 IMG_8712 Megan after her self-supported hunch
153 IMG_8713
IMG_8715  Megan doing her self-supported hunchNEW 
154 IMG_8715 Megan doing her self-supported hunch