1 IMG_0482
IMG_0485  Megan in her Pink "Got Milk" onesie from Jeff and ZoeNEW 
2 IMG_0485 Megan in her Pink "Got Milk" onesie from Jeff and Zoe
3 IMG_0486
4 IMG_0488
5 IMG_0492
IMG_0498  Hunter and MeganNEW 
6 IMG_0498 Hunter and Megan
IMG_0500  Megan and HunterNEW 
7 IMG_0500 Megan and Hunter
8 IMG_0502
IMG_0518  Hunter and Megan and MommyNEW 
9 IMG_0518 Hunter and Megan and Mommy
10 IMG_0521
11 IMG_0524
12 IMG_0527
13 IMG_0529
14 IMG_0530
IMG 0531  5 Month old Family PortraitNEW 
15 5 Month old Family Portrait
16 IMG_0537
IMG_0544  5 Month old Family PortraitNEW 
17 IMG_0544 5 Month old Family Portrait
IMG_0545  Megan and the STS-120 Shuttle LaunchNEW 
18 IMG_0545 Megan and the STS-120 Shuttle Launch
19 IMG_0547
20 IMG_0548
IMG_0552  Megan during Main Engine IngitionNEW 
21 IMG_0552 Megan during Main Engine Ingition
IMG_0560  Megan and the STS-120 Shuttle LaunchNEW 
22 IMG_0560 Megan and the STS-120 Shuttle Launch
IMG 0562  Go Discovery!NEW 
23 Go Discovery!
IMG_0566  Megan in her Car seat in her Pink Overalls from Jeff and ZoeNEW 
24 IMG_0566 Megan in her Car seat in her Pink Overalls from Jeff and Zoe
25 IMG_0568
IMG_0572  Raul and MeganNEW 
26 IMG_0572 Raul and Megan
IMG_0573  Raul and MeganNEW 
27 IMG_0573 Raul and Megan
IMG_0575  Megan and BryanNEW 
28 IMG_0575 Megan and Bryan
IMG_0577  Happy Megan in her Eeyore sleep and playNEW 
29 IMG_0577 Happy Megan in her Eeyore sleep and play
IMG_0581  Laughing MeganNEW 
30 IMG_0581 Laughing Megan
IMG_0584  Laughing MeganNEW 
31 IMG_0584 Laughing Megan
IMG_0585  Laughing MeganNEW 
32 IMG_0585 Laughing Megan
33 IMG_0587
IMG 0588  Laughing MeganNEW 
34 Laughing Megan
IMG 0589  Laughing MeganNEW 
35 Laughing Megan
IMG_0591  Megan Sticking out her tongueNEW 
36 IMG_0591 Megan Sticking out her tongue
37 IMG_0592
IMG 0594  Megan Sticking out her tongueNEW 
38 Megan Sticking out her tongue
39 IMG_0599
IMG_0603  Megan with matching hatNEW 
40 IMG_0603 Megan with matching hat
IMG_0606  Megan YawningNEW 
41 IMG_0606 Megan Yawning
42 IMG_0609
IMG_0610  Megan in her sleep sack (from cousin Lisa) and her Beanie DalmationNEW 
43 IMG_0610 Megan in her sleep sack (from cousin Lisa) and her Beanie Dalmation
IMG_0611  Megan in her sleep sack (from cousin Lisa) and her Beanie DalmationNEW 
44 IMG_0611 Megan in her sleep sack (from cousin Lisa) and her Beanie Dalmation
IMG 0612  Megan in her Pink Overalls on her changing tableNEW 
45 Megan in her Pink Overalls on her changing table
46 IMG_0613
IMG_0615  Happy MeganNEW 
47 IMG_0615 Happy Megan
48 IMG_0617
IMG_0618  Laughing MeganNEW 
49 IMG_0618 Laughing Megan
IMG_0619  Megan sticking her tongue outNEW 
50 IMG_0619 Megan sticking her tongue out
51 IMG_0620
52 IMG_0622
IMG_0626  Megan in her Bumbo seat on the Dining room table (yes we know about the recall, and how it's not supposed to be used on raised surfaces)NEW 
53 IMG_0626 Megan in her Bumbo seat on the Dining room table (yes we know about the recall, and how it's not supposed to be used on raised surfaces)
54 IMG_0627
IMG_0632  Megan on the patio with HunterNEW 
55 IMG_0632 Megan on the patio with Hunter
IMG_0641  Rahila and MeganNEW 
56 IMG_0641 Rahila and Megan
IMG_0653  Megan and RahilaNEW 
57 IMG_0653 Megan and Rahila
IMG_0654  Megan and RahilaNEW 
58 IMG_0654 Megan and Rahila
IMG_0656  Megan and RahilaNEW 
59 IMG_0656 Megan and Rahila
IMG_0657  Rahila and Megan in her jacket from Fred and Mary AnnNEW 
60 IMG_0657 Rahila and Megan in her jacket from Fred and Mary Ann
IMG_0660  Rahila, Julie and MeganNEW 
61 IMG_0660 Rahila, Julie and Megan
62 IMG_0661
IMG 0662  Family shot in KemahNEW 
63 Family shot in Kemah
IMG_0670  Megan and schools of catfishNEW 
64 IMG_0670 Megan and schools of catfish
IMG_0672  Julie holding Megan during the train crossingNEW 
65 IMG_0672 Julie holding Megan during the train crossing
IMG_0675  Megan and Rahila in front of the Kemah Boardwalk signNEW 
66 IMG_0675 Megan and Rahila in front of the Kemah Boardwalk sign
IMG_0677  Megan in her light blue sleep sack from Cousin LisaNEW 
67 IMG_0677 Megan in her light blue sleep sack from Cousin Lisa
IMG_0678  Megan in her light blue sleep sack and keyboardNEW 
68 IMG_0678 Megan in her light blue sleep sack and keyboard
IMG_0681  Megan in her Car seatNEW 
69 IMG_0681 Megan in her Car seat
IMG_0688  Mommy kissing Megan (Outfit from Cousin Lisa)NEW 
70 IMG_0688 Mommy kissing Megan (Outfit from Cousin Lisa)
IMG_0696  Megan in her pink sleep and playNEW 
71 IMG_0696 Megan in her pink sleep and play
IMG_0701  Megan grabbing her Mobile Chicken in her white flower long sleeve onesie from Jeff and ZoeNEW 
72 IMG_0701 Megan grabbing her Mobile Chicken in her white flower long sleeve onesie from Jeff and Zoe
IMG 0706  Megan in her Halloween OutfitNEW 
73 Megan in her Halloween Outfit
IMG_0707  Megan in her Halloween OutfitNEW 
74 IMG_0707 Megan in her Halloween Outfit
IMG_0710  Megan in her Halloween OutfitNEW 
75 IMG_0710 Megan in her Halloween Outfit
IMG_0711  Megan in her Halloween OutfitNEW 
76 IMG_0711 Megan in her Halloween Outfit
IMG_0713  Megan in her Halloween OutfitNEW 
77 IMG_0713 Megan in her Halloween Outfit
IMG_0738  Megan, Elizabeth and PedroNEW 
78 IMG_0738 Megan, Elizabeth and Pedro
IMG_0740  Megan and ElizabethNEW 
79 IMG_0740 Megan and Elizabeth
IMG_0742  Amanda, and Julie holding MeganNEW 
80 IMG_0742 Amanda, and Julie holding Megan
IMG_0747  Julie and Megan playing the grass and Reba the boxer dogNEW 
81 IMG_0747 Julie and Megan playing the grass and Reba the boxer dog
IMG_0757  Transferring the image to the pumpkinNEW 
82 IMG_0757 Transferring the image to the pumpkin
IMG_0758  after image transferNEW 
83 IMG_0758 after image transfer
IMG_0759  after carving out the white sectionNEW 
84 IMG_0759 after carving out the white section
IMG_0763  After carving the orange sectionsNEW 
85 IMG_0763 After carving the orange sections
IMG_0769  Lit internally with a candleNEW 
86 IMG_0769 Lit internally with a candle
IMG_0773  final Megan-o-lantern with the lights onNEW 
87 IMG_0773 final Megan-o-lantern with the lights on
IMG 0786  interntally lit with the lights offNEW 
88 interntally lit with the lights off
89 IMG_0789
IMG_0790  Megan in her crib with the beaning puppy wearing a winnie-the-pooh gown from Cousin LisaNEW 
90 IMG_0790 Megan in her crib with the beaning puppy wearing a winnie-the-pooh gown from Cousin Lisa
91 IMG_0791
IMG 0792  Megan in her crib with the beaning puppy wearing a winnie-the-pooh gown from Cousin LisaNEW 
92 Megan in her crib with the beaning puppy wearing a winnie-the-pooh gown from Cousin Lisa
IMG_0793  Megan in her crib with the beaning puppyNEW 
93 IMG_0793 Megan in her crib with the beaning puppy
94 IMG_0797
95 IMG_0803
IMG_0804  Mom reading to MeganNEW 
96 IMG_0804 Mom reading to Megan
IMG_0805  Megan on the Patio near Daddy sorting thru the vermicompost for worm eggsNEW 
97 IMG_0805 Megan on the Patio near Daddy sorting thru the vermicompost for worm eggs
IMG_0813  Megan smiling in her striped output on the Dining room tableNEW 
98 IMG_0813 Megan smiling in her striped output on the Dining room table
IMG 0815  Megan laughing in her striped output on the Dining room tableNEW 
99 Megan laughing in her striped output on the Dining room table
IMG 0817  Megan laughing in her striped output on the Dining room tableNEW 
100 Megan laughing in her striped output on the Dining room table
IMG_0825  Megan on her play matNEW 
101 IMG_0825 Megan on her play mat
IMG_0829  Megan and MommyNEW 
102 IMG_0829 Megan and Mommy
IMG 0830  Megan and MommyNEW 
103 Megan and Mommy
IMG_0832  Megan and MommyNEW 
104 IMG_0832 Megan and Mommy
IMG_0834  Megan and MommyNEW 
105 IMG_0834 Megan and Mommy
IMG 0836  MegaNEW 
106 Mega
IMG 0837  MeganNEW 
107 Megan
IMG_0839  Megan in a white onesieNEW 
108 IMG_0839 Megan in a white onesie
IMG_0840  Megan inspecting the PumpkinNEW 
109 IMG_0840 Megan inspecting the Pumpkin
IMG_0858  Mommy and Megan in her Halloween costumeNEW 
110 IMG_0858 Mommy and Megan in her Halloween costume
IMG_0859  Tabitha and Megan in her CostumeNEW 
111 IMG_0859 Tabitha and Megan in her Costume
IMG_0862  Megan's Cow/Dalmation costumeNEW 
112 IMG_0862 Megan's Cow/Dalmation costume
113 IMG_0863
IMG 0864  Daddy and Megan in her CostumeNEW 
114 Daddy and Megan in her Costume
IMG_0865  Daddy and Megan in her CostumeNEW 
115 IMG_0865 Daddy and Megan in her Costume
IMG 0866  Megan and MommyNEW 
116 Megan and Mommy
IMG_0880  Julie, Mega, Aylin and PedroNEW 
117 IMG_0880 Julie, Mega, Aylin and Pedro
IMG_0881  Julie, Mega, Aylin, Pedro and PedroNEW 
118 IMG_0881 Julie, Mega, Aylin, Pedro and Pedro
IMG_0882  Julie, Megan, Aylin and PedroNEW 
119 IMG_0882 Julie, Megan, Aylin and Pedro
IMG_0885  The StellaLuna Jack-o-lanternNEW 
120 IMG_0885 The StellaLuna Jack-o-lantern
IMG_0888  Megan checking out her Megan-o-LanternNEW 
121 IMG_0888 Megan checking out her Megan-o-Lantern
IMG_0892  Julie and Megan with the Care-Penguin pumpkinNEW 
122 IMG_0892 Julie and Megan with the Care-Penguin pumpkin
IMG_0896  Julie and Mommy with the StellaLuna PumpkinNEW 
123 IMG_0896 Julie and Mommy with the StellaLuna Pumpkin
124 IMG_0897
IMG 0898  Megan in her Pink Ladybug Outfit from Jerry and KellyNEW 
125 Megan in her Pink Ladybug Outfit from Jerry and Kelly
126 IMG_0899
IMG_0900  Mommy and Megan in her Pink Ladybug Outfit from Jerry and KellyNEW 
127 IMG_0900 Mommy and Megan in her Pink Ladybug Outfit from Jerry and Kelly
IMG_0903  It's got a red Lady Bug in the backNEW 
128 IMG_0903 It's got a red Lady Bug in the back
IMG_0904  Megan and MommyNEW 
129 IMG_0904 Megan and Mommy
IMG_0905  Megan and MommyNEW 
130 IMG_0905 Megan and Mommy
IMG_0906  Megan and her foam lettersNEW 
131 IMG_0906 Megan and her foam letters
132 IMG_0907
IMG_0913  Megan in the Game roomNEW 
133 IMG_0913 Megan in the Game room
134 IMG_0920
135 IMG_0921
136 IMG_0922
IMG_0923  Megan using her Sippy cupNEW 
137 IMG_0923 Megan using her Sippy cup
IMG 0924  Megan using her Sippy cupNEW 
138 Megan using her Sippy cup
IMG_0926  Megan using her Sippy cupNEW 
139 IMG_0926 Megan using her Sippy cup
IMG_0927  Megan using her Sippy cupNEW 
140 IMG_0927 Megan using her Sippy cup
141 IMG_0928
IMG_0931  Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and playNEW 
142 IMG_0931 Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and play
IMG_0932  Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and playNEW 
143 IMG_0932 Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and play
IMG_0934  Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and playNEW 
144 IMG_0934 Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and play
IMG_0945  Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and playNEW 
145 IMG_0945 Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and play
IMG 0947  Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and playNEW 
146 Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and play
IMG_0948  Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and playNEW 
147 IMG_0948 Megan in her Pink Striped Sleep and play
IMG_0949  Megan and her foam lettersNEW 
148 IMG_0949 Megan and her foam letters
IMG_0954  Megan on her play matNEW 
149 IMG_0954 Megan on her play mat
150 IMG_0957
IMG_0951  Megan in her Pink sleep and play on her play matNEW 
151 IMG_0951 Megan in her Pink sleep and play on her play mat
152 IMG_0952
IMG_0953  Megan in her Pink sleep and play on her play matNEW 
153 IMG_0953 Megan in her Pink sleep and play on her play mat
IMG_0964  Megan showing off good oral hygieneNEW 
154 IMG_0964 Megan showing off good oral hygiene
155 IMG_0974
IMG 0975  Megan and Er Sen Po, Megan's wearing a bunny outfit from Fred and Mary AnnNEW 
156 Megan and Er Sen Po, Megan's wearing a bunny outfit from Fred and Mary Ann
IMG_0980  Megan with a white bumblebee outfitNEW 
157 IMG_0980 Megan with a white bumblebee outfit
IMG 0984  Megan and Mommy reading Five Fish, Pink Baby Einstein sleep and play from Pedro and MarthaNEW 
158 Megan and Mommy reading Five Fish, Pink Baby Einstein sleep and play from Pedro and Martha
IMG_0985  Megan and Mommy reading Five Fish, Pink Baby Einstein sleep and play from Pedro and MarthaNEW 
159 IMG_0985 Megan and Mommy reading Five Fish, Pink Baby Einstein sleep and play from Pedro and Martha
IMG_0986  Megan and Mommy reading Five Fish, Pink Baby Einstein sleep and play from Pedro and MarthaNEW 
160 IMG_0986 Megan and Mommy reading Five Fish, Pink Baby Einstein sleep and play from Pedro and Martha
IMG 0987  Megan and MommyNEW 
161 Megan and Mommy
IMG_0988  Megan and MommyNEW 
162 IMG_0988 Megan and Mommy
IMG 0989  Megan and MommyNEW 
163 Megan and Mommy
164 IMG_0994
IMG_0995  MeganNEW 
165 IMG_0995 Megan
IMG 0997  Daddy and MeganNEW 
166 Daddy and Megan
167 IMG_0998
IMG_1000  Daddy and MeganNEW 
168 IMG_1000 Daddy and Megan
IMG 1007  Megan in her Red Onesie from Jeff and ZoeNEW 
169 Megan in her Red Onesie from Jeff and Zoe
IMG_1009  Megan sitting and playing on her matNEW 
170 IMG_1009 Megan sitting and playing on her mat
IMG_1010  Megan sitting and playing on her matNEW 
171 IMG_1010 Megan sitting and playing on her mat
172 IMG_1012
IMG_1013  Megan on her play matNEW 
173 IMG_1013 Megan on her play mat
IMG_1014  Megan in a crawl stanceNEW 
174 IMG_1014 Megan in a crawl stance
175 IMG_1015
IMG_1016  Tired after all that developmentNEW 
176 IMG_1016 Tired after all that development
IMG_1017  Megan sleeping in her yellow butterfly outfitNEW 
177 IMG_1017 Megan sleeping in her yellow butterfly outfit
178 IMG_1019
179 IMG_1020
IMG 1021  Megan in her Car seat, (another trip to the Pediatrician)NEW 
180 Megan in her Car seat, (another trip to the Pediatrician)
IMG_1028  Megan and MommyNEW 
181 IMG_1028 Megan and Mommy
IMG 1029  Megan at the PediatricainNEW 
182 Megan at the Pediatricain
IMG 1031  Megan at the PediatricainNEW 
183 Megan at the Pediatricain
184 IMG_1032
IMG_1035  Mommy and MeganNEW 
185 IMG_1035 Mommy and Megan
IMG_1036  MeganNEW 
186 IMG_1036 Megan
IMG_1037  Megan in a crawl stance on the futonNEW 
187 IMG_1037 Megan in a crawl stance on the futon
IMG 1053  Mommy and Megan in her peach "If you think I'm pretty you should see my Mommy" onesie from Bru and NancyNEW 
188 Mommy and Megan in her peach "If you think I'm pretty you should see my Mommy" onesie from Bru and Nancy
IMG_1054  Mommy and Megan in her peach "If you think I'm pretty you should see my Mommy" onesie from Bru and NancyNEW 
189 IMG_1054 Mommy and Megan in her peach "If you think I'm pretty you should see my Mommy" onesie from Bru and Nancy
190 IMG_1060
191 IMG_1061
IMG_1062  MeganNEW 
192 IMG_1062 Megan
193 IMG_1063
IMG_1066  adorable meganNEW 
194 IMG_1066 adorable megan
195 IMG_1067
196 IMG_1068
197 IMG_1069
IMG 1070  Very Happy MeganNEW 
198 Very Happy Megan
199 IMG_1086
200 IMG_1087
201 IMG_1088
IMG_1089  Megan and her peek-a-blocks towerNEW 
202 IMG_1089 Megan and her peek-a-blocks tower
IMG_1095  MEganNEW 
203 IMG_1095 MEgan
204 IMG_1120
IMG_1121  Megan on all foursNEW 
205 IMG_1121 Megan on all fours
206 IMG_1122
IMG_1123  Megan on all foursNEW 
207 IMG_1123 Megan on all fours
208 IMG_1124
IMG_1125  Megan on all foursNEW 
209 IMG_1125 Megan on all fours
210 IMG_1126
IMG_1132  Megan sitting on her play matNEW 
211 IMG_1132 Megan sitting on her play mat
IMG_1133  Megan sitting on her play matNEW 
212 IMG_1133 Megan sitting on her play mat
IMG_1137  Megan sitting on her play matNEW 
213 IMG_1137 Megan sitting on her play mat
IMG_1139  Megan sitting on her play matNEW 
214 IMG_1139 Megan sitting on her play mat
215 IMG_1140
IMG_1145  Five FishNEW 
216 IMG_1145 Five Fish
IMG_1147  Megan and Mommy with a neighborhood scarecrowNEW 
217 IMG_1147 Megan and Mommy with a neighborhood scarecrow
IMG_1154  Petting a friendly neighboorhood catNEW 
218 IMG_1154 Petting a friendly neighboorhood cat
IMG_1156  Petting a friendly neighboorhood catNEW 
219 IMG_1156 Petting a friendly neighboorhood cat
IMG_1157  Petting a friendly neighboorhood catNEW 
220 IMG_1157 Petting a friendly neighboorhood cat
IMG_1161  Hunter, Mommy and Megan out for a walkNEW 
221 IMG_1161 Hunter, Mommy and Megan out for a walk
IMG_1162  Megan and Mommy out on a walk,NEW 
222 IMG_1162 Megan and Mommy out on a walk,
IMG_1163  Megan and Mommy out on a walk,NEW 
223 IMG_1163 Megan and Mommy out on a walk,
IMG_1164  Megan and Mommy out on a walk, Yellow shirt from Cousin Lisa, Jean Shorts from Mommy and DaddyNEW 
224 IMG_1164 Megan and Mommy out on a walk, Yellow shirt from Cousin Lisa, Jean Shorts from Mommy and Daddy
IMG_1170  Megan and Mommy out on a walk, Yellow shirt from Cousin Lisa, Jean Shorts from Mommy and DaddyNEW 
225 IMG_1170 Megan and Mommy out on a walk, Yellow shirt from Cousin Lisa, Jean Shorts from Mommy and Daddy
226 IMG_1188
IMG_1192  Mommy and MeganNEW 
227 IMG_1192 Mommy and Megan
228 IMG_1194
IMG_1197  Megan asleep in her strollerNEW 
229 IMG_1197 Megan asleep in her stroller
230 IMG_1198
IMG_1221  out from under the towel hoodNEW 
231 IMG_1221 out from under the towel hood
IMG_1226  Happy MeganNEW 
232 IMG_1226 Happy Megan
IMG_1239  Megan in her stroller with her hatNEW 
233 IMG_1239 Megan in her stroller with her hat
234 IMG_1249
235 IMG_1250
IMG 0785  interntally lit with the lights onNEW 
236 interntally lit with the lights on