9th Month

Megan's paternal family came to visit for President's weekend, and we celebrated Christmas in February and included a trip to Brazos Bend State Park.
Out in the back yard we filled in our raised bed with new dirt, and bought Megan a sand box which she enjoys playing in.
One of her favorite new toys is a stuffed Dr. Suess Yertle the Turtle we bought from Kohls.
There were two trips to the Pediatrician for the first trip: on 2-25-08 she weighed 15lb 15oz, 26" height, 17" head circumference. She was scheduled to get her 9 month immunizations but she had some congestion so we opted to wait 3 weeks, so on the 3-12-08 : she weighed 16 lb 5 oz, 26.625" height and her 17.5" head circumference.
Megan will now play ball with us. She's often giving us items instead of just taking them.
Megan has started standing unsupported for a few seconds (5-6) at a time. (When this occurs we're way too astounded to get the camera and capture the moment on digital film).
She's started eating Cheerios, broccoli, dill, chicken, and egg yolks.

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