27th and 28th Month

September-October 2009: It's been a busy last couple of months, as you may recall, we were in Utah at the end of the last photo gallery, and we pick up there as well for this one, we were in Utah for the Test firing of DM-1 the first Test motor for the Ares-I rocket in development at ATK. They scrubbed the test with just 20 seconds left on the clock. Disappointed we salvaged the day by going to Golden Spike National Historic Site, and then we had dinner in Malad, Idaho. (Megan's 24th State). Julie and Megan also spent a day at the Tree House Children’s Museum in Ogden, and had a great time. Megan also unfortunately fell ill during the trip and we made a visit to the local ER, where we were promptly and satisfactorily treated despite being or because it was 4 AM.

1 week after Utah, we went to Northern California. Megan's Uncle, Billie was marrying April in Sonoma, CA. Prior to the wedding, we visited Muir Woods National Monument, and Benziger Family Winery which is next to the Jack London Historical State Park.

Megan was the flower girl , and she did wonderfully, as did Poppy, April's Niece and co-flower girl. Megan played alot with her plastic lizards, and did not like to be interuptted to get her photo taken.

After the Wedding we went to Point Reyes National Seashore, and then 3 nights in Yosemite National Park. The Big Oak Flats Fire had just been up under control, and we got to see first hand what freshly burned forest looks like. Megan was able to complete the activites for a Jr. Ranger Badge at Yosemite National Park.

After Yosemite, we spent 1 night in Oakland, and met up with Winston's college roommate and friend. Mike, Jessine and Eric.

Back home things were more mundance with yardwork, artwork and shopping. Oh Megan used chopsticks to eat with!

Megan's 22.7 lbs and is just under 33" tall.
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