Baltimore-Virginia Beach 2010

June 2010, Baltimore, MD and Virginia Beach, VA - Cousins Jessica and Joshua in Virginia Beach were graduating from High School and Elementary School and Megan hadn't seen her Great Grandparents in a while so we dovetailed the trips together. Megan's Great Grandfather (Ah Zhou) would pass away less than a month after we visited, so we were really glad we were able to make this trip.

In Baltimore we visited with Jeff, Zoe and Irene and took a trip to Fort Mc Henry which is much smaller than the last fort we visited (Ft Jefferson) We also went to the Smithsonian Air and Space Annex at Dulles Airport with Megan's Ah Gong, and stopped at Great Falls Park on the way back.

In Virginia we visited First Landing's State Park, and the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge when not attending the graduation ceremonies.

Megan had a great time visiting everyone!

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