21st and 22nd Month

March, April 2009 - As Spring is here, Megan and Mommy are spending lots of time outside in the garden and around the yard. Megan's been collecting pillbugs, meal worms, earthworms and june beetles. We have set up mini terriariums, and Megan's taken to examining the contents manually and with a Magnifying glass. In the yard she enjoys hunting for snakes, snails, spiders and lizards. She also enjoys run after birds, butterflies, dragonflies and leaves blowing in the wind. She watches the pollinators of our lemon tree like bees and butterflies.

Megan's Uncle Billie and Aunt April visited and stayed for a week. While they were here we visited the Houston Rodeo and Livestock show, especially the petting zoo where they had goats, sheep and wallabies. We also visited April's Papa Jack, and Megan enjoyed playing with Buddy, his black Lab.

We made two trips to the zoo and Megan enjoyed looking at the turtles, bumblebees, and ducks. She also enjoyed chasing the native birds that are around the zoo.

Megan enjoys playing in the sand, and running around the yard with Hunter. Artisically she's been coloring and painting and can draw straight lines. Mommy and Megan have been working together on various crafts.

Megan is signing "please", "thank you", "cracker", "help". Still not really saying anything other than "Hi" and "Ba Ba Ba"

At the end of April, Megan stands 31.5" tall and Weighs 20.5 lbs.

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