23rd and 24th Month

May-June 2009: Megan turned two in the middle of this gallery, but we've excluded those pictures, as we've previously posted them already. Most of the photos below are from trips to one of four places:

1. Moody Gardens, we went here for their Earth Day 2009 celebration and visited the Aquarium Pyramid and the newly reopened Rainforest Pyramid (that had suffered from Hurricane Ike). Megan enjoyed looking at all the fish and penguins in the Aquarium, and the frogs in the Rainforest.

2. Virginia: Once again, Winston had a business trip to NASA Langley, in Virginia, so Julie and Megan got to visit the Virginia Living Museum. We also visited the Yorktown Battlefield, part of the Colonial National Historical Park. Enroute back via the Philadelphia Airport, we visited both airport play areas "The Aviation Play Stations" as they're called. More photos, not necessarily Megan centric have also been previously posted.

3.Mercer Arboretum, When Megan's Ah-Gong and Ah-Ma visited we took a trip up to the gardens to see the plants and flowers. It had been just over a year since we last went up there and filmed Megan's protowalking skills.

4. We went to Chmielewski's blueberry farm to pick our own blueberries. We had a lot of fun going through the bushes and finding the ripe blue fruit.

Megan's taken to playing in the Kitchen sink while Mom's doing the dishes. and we've started raising crickets to feed the Mediterranean Geckos we've caught.

Megan's taken to bobbing her whole body up and down to indicate "Yes", while the basic head shake is "No". Megan is about 2' 8" tall and weighs around 22 lbs.

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