Winston and Julie's Civil Ceremony Photos

These are the photos from the civil ceremony on February 14th, 2002 . If you were present at this ceremony and have photos from this day, Winston and Julie would greatly appreciate a copy.

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Winston has arrived :) Prior to the Civil Ceremony Photos taken prior to ceremony
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Pledging our love to each other through vows Another pre-ceremony photo "With this ring I be wed..."
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Close up of Groom putting ring on Bride's finger "With this ring I be wed too..." Close up of Bride putting ring on Groom's finger
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"I take thee Winston" "I take thee Julie" "I take thee" close up of Bride
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The parents of Groom (Helen and Jia-Shen Wang) observe the ceremony Our diploma Photo of Bride and Groom with Mom and Dad (parents of groom)
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Photo of Bride and Groom with aunt (da ah-yi) Mr. and Mrs. Winston Wang An after ceremony trip to Krispy Kreme
"I'm a Krispy Kreme Fan"

These are the photos from the civil ceremony on February 14th, 2002 . If you were present at this ceremony and have photos from this day, Winston and Julie would greatly appreciate a copy.

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