We spent all day visiting Julie’s old professors. Most of them at Ferrum College in Ferrum, VA. We saw Julie’s old dorm which had been remodeled, and visited various old haunts of Julie and Nancy. And here’s a tip if you want to see all your old professors, go when classes are in session. That’s when they sort of have to be on campus.
The we went to visit Diane’s house in Roanoke VA. It’s at the top of the mountain, and contains quite a few interesting things. First, on our way up we saw wild turkeys on the driveway. Second, there’s the room dedicated and filled with stuffed animals, but not just any stuffed animals, Disney stuffed animals. Third is the 3 car garage filled with bird cages that contain pairs of Macaws mating.
Megan Milestones:
•First time to Ferrum College