3T Photo Slideshow Of New Orleans, Rafting, And Boston

Below is a photo slideshow in QuickTime format. I apologize for the brief captions and sometime nondescriptive captions, but ti was 2:00 A.M. A thumbnail sheet should be out shortly, as are snapshot sized pages. The slideshow is set to Autoplay and loop, and there should be a 4 sec pause for each shot. The File itself is 700K so it may upto 5 minutes to download on a 28.8K modem. However you can view the portions of the movie already downloaded. The slideshow contains approximatly 75 thumbnail shots.


If you don't have the Apple's QuickTime plug-in, download it from here. Requires Netscape Navigator 2.x or later, Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.x or later for Macintosh, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x or later for Windows 95.

If your browser can't use the the QuickTime plug-in you can download the movie and play it with a helper application like MoviePlayer.

See Plans and Trips for links to more photos.

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Created by Winston Wang Last modified June 15th, 1998