3T Crew January Trip to Corning and Niagara Falls Page

Final Crew manifest for the trip:

Boston Crew Contingent:

Baltimore Crew Contingent:

Cleveland Crew Contingent:

Palo Alto Crew Contingent: (Attached to the Cleveland Crew Contingent)


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Currently there aren't any captions, and the photos haven't been edited, but they are in chronological order so you can match them to the time line below. Feel free to browse and suggest captions.

Overview of Events:

Friday January 16th, 1998

3:30 pm The Cleveland Crew arrived in Corning NY for a lab tour of the Corning Glass facility. Due to the NDA (non-disclosure agreement) signed, nothing other than the fact that the tour was very cool can be discussed. :)
5:00 pm The Cleveland Crew goes to Big Flats (Winston's Uncle's place) for dinner and naps.

Saturday January 17th, 1998

1:45 am The Baltimore Crew arrives at Big Flats
2:30 am the Boston Crew arrives at Big Flats. Shari announces that she has broken a nail
6:30 am Wake up calls issued by Connie "SuperFly" Chien (Winston's cousin)
8:00 am Wake up calls issued by Andrew "Dodgemaster" Chien (Winston's other cousin)
10:00 am All attempts to remain asleep abandoned, watch Beauty and the Beast "An enchanted X-mas" on video tape, work on 200 and 300 piece jigsaw puzzles, eat bagels, and watch Saturday morning cartoons.
12:00 pm head to Corning for lunch and Glass museum
12:15 pm circle around downtown Corning while Zoe decides where to eat. Final Decision: Pudgies with a few opting for the KFC next door instead
1:00 pm got to Glass museum, saw some very cool exhibits.
3:30 pm freeze in the Glass forge, waiting for the glass blowing exhibition.
4:00 pm head to the outlet, and discontinued Corning store. Purchased various Corning glassware
5:00 pm Walk down historic Market St. in search of dinner. Settle on "Boomers" a bar and grill type establishment
6:30 pm head back to Big Flats. the Boston Crew gets lost, assuming (incorrectly) that they were following Zoe. Van later claims she saw Zoe waving from the car in front of her.
7:00 pm Evening's main attraction: Connie vs Andrew: Grudge match wrestling
8:00 pm rousing game of "Monkey in the Middle" ensues
8:30 pm time to open presents. (I'm going to attempt to remember what everyone got:
9:00 pm Game of Trivial Pursuit: Jeff, Zoe, Shari and Winston lose to Brendan, Shari, Van, and Julie.
10:30 pm Game of Cancellation hearts is played. Winner: Van, Not a winner: Shari
12:00 am Backrubs, reminiscing and people going to sleep.

Sunday January 18th, 1998

10:00 am Wake up
12:00 pm Check out: Boston Crew returning home, Rest forge onto Niagara Falls. Obligatory photo in front of house
3:30 pm arrive at Niagara Falls (American Side) Walk to Goat island and terrapin point. Jeff is noted for walking around in only sandals and wool socks. Outside a restroom, Mike is notified that he had forgotten to fasten his belt after going to the bathroom. Julie is convinced into climbing up on to a statue of Tesla to have her picture taken.
4:30 pm Cross the Rainbow bridge into Canada. See the American Falls and Horseshoe falls in the rapidly fading daylight.
5:45 pm Decided to wait for lights to come on and illuminate the falls.
6:30 pm Take pictures of the Falls illuminated.
6:45 pm Take pictures of the Animated Disney light display
7:00 pm Head to Lyndonville (Zoe's Father's house)
9:00 pm have a Delicious dinner of Corning Hens and Rice pilaf cooked by Zoe's Step mom.
12:00 am Bedtime

Monday January 19th, 1998

10:30 am Wake up
11:30 am Homemade breakfast of Waffles, Eggs, Sausages.
12:30 pm Depart Baltimore Crew returning home, Cleveland Crew visiting the Falls again.
1:30 pm do a whirlwind tour of Canadian sights.
6:30 pm Drop Mike at Airport.



Courtesy of MapQuest and Yahoo! Maps Edited by Winston

Detailed Maps have been moved to another page.

Overview map

Overview Map

Detailed maps are on a second page.

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Last modified on February, 12th 1998 by Winston Wang