12th Month

This month had the all important first birthday! Megan is now one year old. And while she was beginning to take a few steps on her birthday, she was able to walk accross the room before we left on the Megan Tour NorthEast Leg. Also while she’s not say anymore words, she expresses comprehension of many words by pointing at the requested object or picking up items and handing them to us.

We’re trying her out on a lot more foods, salmon, turkey, and the various flowers in our garden.

We start with a high school graduation party for our neighboor Dale. We made a Pig faced strawberry cake made with the "Animal Crackers" Wilton cake pan. That required practice with frosting tips.

She had a "Barnyard Babies" themed Birthday Party and received from guests many wonderful gifts, which she enjoys playing with.

She watched the STS-124 Shuttle launch in her NASA jumper. She tried her hand at finger painting, and went to the community pool for the first time. She enjoyed visiting the neighborhood parks and the playgrounds as well as Book Babies at the Library.

We bought her first pair of strudy shoes at Stride Rite.

On June 2nd, Megan was 17lbs 4 oz and on June 13th Megan was 17 lbs 8 oz, 28” in height and 18” head diameter

She finished the month with four teeth total, 2 upper and 2 lower.
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