11th Month

This has been a pretty busy month. Weather in Texas is creeping towards the hot side, so we've been scrambling to do outdoor activities while it's still possible to do so without melting. We made trips to the Frankie Carter Park, Bay Area Park, Mercer Arboretum, and Houston Zoo. We also visited Aylin's house and the pediatrician.
On April 21st, 2008 Megan weighed 16lb 6 oz., 27" length, 17.75 Head circumference.
Megan's starting getting her two top teeth in, they're big compared to the bottom two teeth, and there seems to be a gap between them. She's standing up a lot longer now, and can take a step or two or three before plopping back down. She can also walk assisted. (Be sure to see the previously posted Proto-walking Video Clips. She can climb up stairs, and crawl really fast.
Megan loves to play with her Little tykes people, and her blocks, and light switches. She love container play, and taking and putting things in holes and boxes.
Megan hasn't been saying much other than the ubiquitous "eh”, her all-purpose syllable, to get attention. On walks she likes us to pick up pine cones for her collection, clover flowers to eat, light poles and fire hydrants to touch, and small trees to explore. She’s amused by Hunter and the cats running around.
She loves to eat chicken, papaya, mangos, cheerios and carrots. She’s okay with peas, asparagus and sweet potatoes. She also likes canned tomatoes but the acidity will cause redness on her skin wherever it comes in direct contact.
Megan loves go outside and play in her sandbox, keeping the sand in the sandbox and out of the bed has been our challenge.
Julie celebrated her first Mother's Day. And we took some photos in front of our fruit bushes.

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