14th Month

August 2008 - Megan continues to be her cute, curious self and increasing her self-reliance. Her manual dexterity is improving and can do some corse threading, as well as spoon her own food, she’s signing more now, gesturing “friend”, “help”, “milk”, “bath”. She enjoys pushing items around like chairs, and boxes and her toys. She really likes playing with cars and pushing them around on the floor. She now also knows the letters D, F, M. And can identify shapes like triangle, diamond, star, circle, oval, square. Megan like finding the on/off buttons on things and is very curious about the effects of pressing buttons.

Megan and Mommy will act out animal behaviours with the stuffed animals, especially with the frog and duck

We went to the Zoo and Megan really enjoyed seeing all the animals especially the frogs and lizards in the Reptiles and Amphibians house.

Megan will help put on her own clothes, especially shoes, socks, and shorts.

On July 28th, Megan weighed 17lb 12oz, also within this last month, Megan’s cut her 4 lateral incisors

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