Megan 22nd Month Photo Mosaic


Megan 22nd Month Photo Mosaic

Photos 11/23/08 to 4/22/09:
Please be patient as you wait for the picture to sharpen as you zoom and pan around the images

Powered by Zoomify

You can use your mouse to navigate through the mosaic. Click to Zoom, and Drag to Pan. You can also use the tool bar at the bottom of the picture to Zoom and Pan, finally Keyboard options {shift} to zoom in, {Command} or {Control} to zoom out, Arrow keys to Pan.

Photos organized in Apple iPhoto, made into a Mosaic using MacOSaiX, and composited and made into a web page with the Zoomify Export Plug-in Adobe Photoshop CS3.

Check out Megan Photos index.

Created by Winston Wang. Last modified May 1st, 2009.